how did Picachu come in here? Eevee!

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{MarieIsCool online}

{Picachu online}

Picachu: pica picachu

MarieIsCool: Picachu how did you come in here?

Picachu: pica

MarieIsCool: okay

Picachu: picachu

MarieIsCool: if you say so

Picachu: . . .pica. . .pica . . .picachu!

{AnneIsCute online}

AnneIsCute: hey sis. . . .and Picachu? do you know what Pica say?

MarieIsCool: it's say "pica picachu"

Picachu:. . . pica!

AnneIsCute: what did it mean?

MarieIsCool: i dunno

AnneIsCute: where is Ash?

MarieIsCool: umh it's my Picachu not Ashs

AnneIsCute: oh sorry. . . have you seen my Eevee?

{Tony online with Eevee in his hands}

Tony: do someone know this thing?

AnneIsCute: Eevee there you are

Eevee: wee wee

(i think it was that it say i really don't know sorry if it wrong)

Tony: oh it's yours it was following me the whole day

AnneIsCute: oh sorry Tony Eevee can be a little troublesome at times

Eevee: wee wee *jumps down and runs over too AnneIsCute* ^W^

AnneIsCute: oh i can see Eevee have miss me :)

Eevee: weee wee ^W^

picachu: pica picac chu *run over and plays with Eevee*

MarieIsCool: that's so sweet ^W^

AnneIsCute: aww cutenes overload

Tony: *don't know what to say . . . dead*

AnneIsCute: Tony you okay?

Tony: . . . . . . .

MarieIsCool: to the hospital?

{all is out but not Eevee & Picachu}

Picachu: pica pica? (what just happen?)

Eevee: wee wee ? (i don't know ?)

{AnneIsCute online agian}

AnneIsCute: *takes Eevee and Picachu*

{all is out/peace}

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