Deceiving (Hood Story)

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"I'm tired of this shit que, you always fucking doing this shit to me" Ashley yelled with streams of tears cascading down her puffy dark cheeks as they both zoomed down i95 in his brand new Audi. "Girl what the fuck is wrong with you man? you always letting these females get in ya ear & now you wanna fold under pressure. why you so damn insecure.?" Que yelled back. It was a cold stormy night, Que & Ashley has been in an unstable relationship for 2 years & 9 months... On their way home from the club lex que's phone began to ring.

While que's eyes were glued to the road ahead of them he hadn't realize ashley had answered the ringing iphone. "Nah nah hoe, who the fuck is you calling my man phone.?" Ashley spatted into the phone. The female voice laughed on the other end of the line "I'm pretty sure my name is on the screen, bitch don't act grand you know exactly who I am" the woman shot back at Ashley. "Like I said don't call this phone" Ashley said as she hung up slinging the phone back into the empty cup holder.

"Me... insecure? If I'm insecure I have a fucking reason to be nigga". Ashley started to cry harder "why"? Que asked unknowingly. "All these hoes calling ya damn phone 2, 3 o'clock in the morning like you fucking owe them something". Ashley screamed in an annoyed tone. "Maybe I owe them hoes some dick, I bet that's what you think huh.?" Que said with a smirk plastered across his caramel toned face as he swarmed from lane to lane on the slippery highway.

Ashley couldn't believe what he just said to the woman he once said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. With out hesitation she pulled back & slapped the shit out of que.... "Fuck you fuck ass nigga you ain't shit, get yo shit out my fuckin house, don't call phone, none of that shit, fuck love & fuck YOU"

The impact of the slap across Que's face made him lose control of the car & he almost slammed into the barricading wall. "Bitch, yo stupid ass acting like you wasn't a hoe before I met ya ass & fixed you up, you made a comment on some shit you know nothing about & I gave it to you blood raw.. What I'm wrong? Stop fucking assuming & asking me about them hoes, why you worried"? Que said as he mushed Ashley's head into the windshield. She began to bleed uncontrollably.

The whole time they were arguing que was not watching the road ahead of him... He accidentally rolled into the next lane of incoming traffic, BOOM!!! their car slid onto its side & rolled into a near by ditch.. Blood was splattered everywhere......... "Que.. Baby.. QUE" !!!!!!!

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