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Your (E/C) eyes widened when you recognized the soft voice that sent a shiver down your spine... 'Rio.' When you had regained your focus you immediately shoved him off and attempted to run off only to be stopped by a tight grasp with fingers that dug into your shoulder, causing you wince and shut your eyes. Rio noticed he had caused you pain and instantly let go of you. Feeling it would be useless to run with how close you where to him despite your athletic abilities, you turned to face him.

"Leave me alone." You spat making your annoyance clear to him.

"(Y/N)... Are you alright?" He asked ignoring your order with a concerned looked in his blue eyes. It was at this point you noticed his face was stained red with something. 'Is that red ink?' "What are you doing over here? Don't tell those idiots tried to make a move on you again... You're mine..." Rio then held your chin up with his hand and leaned in so his nose was barely touching your own. "If I need to mark you mine to let them know... I will... You remember that promise you made me? Right?" He then firmly planted his lips on yours and stuck his tongue in. You tried struggling, but with his hand locking your chin in place it was difficult.

You stayed there a moment longer so he could think he was successful, then without a warning you rammed your fist in to his side making him groan out in pain and release you from his grasp. You quickly spun around and bolted down the hall leaving him stunned. 'What was that on his face?' You wondered as you skidded around the corner crashing into someone making them fall with you.

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to turn the corner that fast." You apologized while waving your hands out in front of you as you got up from the floor.

"It's okay (Y/N), you'll just have to make it up to me later!~" You snapped your head up to see Lance smiling down at you. 'There's no end to them!' You then hesitantly took a step back and looked into his forest green eyes making him blush a little. His expression made you panic and sprint off in the opposite direction, but then you realized that Rio would be around there so you halted in your tracks and almost lost your balance. "Where are you going? I just found you... " Lance reached out his hand and caressed your cheek. "Stay with me."

"... No..." You responded moving your head to the side away from his hand making Lance frown.

"I didn't ask if you wanted to, you will." The blonde then sprung at you and before you could react and everything went black.

<Rio POV>

Rio rushed around the corner to see Lance holding (Y/N) in his arms. She looked limp and unconscious but he could tell she was breathing because she had the same look on her face when she was asleep. 'But still... What's that idiot doing with her anyway? I told them she was mine!'

"Don't worry my (Y/N)... You'll be safe with m-" Lance looked up when he noticed Rio's raven hair hanging in front of him

"What are you doing with her?" Rio asked in a monotone voice as his blue eyes lit up with anger.

"Well I guess there's no use in trying to lie... I'm taking her with me." Lance answered defiantly grasping (Y/N) tighter. "And you didn't clean your face properly this time... Go ask your boyfriend Colin to help you." He added snickering as he carried her away. 'This jerk...' Rio then quickly swung his leg around to hit Lance in the back but he jumped away with (Y/N) in his arms, dodging Rio's attack.

"Tch..." Rio huffed out in frustration, he would never hurt (Y/N) but he wanted to tear that smirk right off of Lance's face, and Lance grinned when he realized that Rio wouldn't attack him while (Y/N) was in his arms. "Coward..." Rio said under his breath staring blankly at the green eyes across from him.

"My, my... What's going on here?" Rio looked over his shoulder to see Colin followed by Isaac step around the corner. "Rio there's something on your face, I'll get it fo-"

"No." Rio responded interrupting Colin who stood there confused gazing back at him with his golden eyes through his glasses.

"Aw... Are you two having your first fight?~" Lance teased causing Rio to click his tongue again in annoyance.

"Shut up you sadistic cunt!" Rio growled clenching his fists signaling his intentions to Lance. "You're lucky you have (Y/N) in your arms right now... Otherwise I'd-"

"You'd what? Hit me with your little baby hands?" Lance responded laughing with a smug look on his face as his head hung up to the side.

"I already have blood on me... Wanna add more?" Rio then sent an icy glare to the green-eyed boy who's eyes widened remembering Rio's past. Lance abruptly threw the (H/C)-haired girl over his shoulder and turned around to run away making Rio's blood boil. "Don't you run anywa-"

"Hey Rio! Tone it down! We need him remember?" Colin said in a reassuring tone squeezing Rio's shoulder while Isaac patted his back. "Plus, you wouldn't go as far as to... Get rid of... One of your friends would you?" He added stepping in front of the raven-haired male.

'Oh you dont even know... " Rio thought darkly meeting Colin's yellow eyes with his chilled stare. 'I'll kill anyone to protect or get closer to (Y/N).'

"Whatever you say..." Rio responded shoving both of his hands inside his pockets and then leaned against the wall.

"Who'd you kill this time?" Isaac asked bluntly as he then watched Rio scrub his face with his hands in an attempt to get the red off.

"Some snake that like to hang around (Y/N)... Even though they've been friends for a while, I already knew what she managed to learn about (Y/N) over a couple of years in four days." He paused the wipe his hands on the dark uniform. "What a fake fan."

<Your POV>

You woke up to find yourself in a location that seemed familiar. 'This isn't school. Is this... Lance's house?' You questioned yourself while you took the time to actually look around his room. The room was pretty large and included modern furnishes that gave it a clean and organized feel. Then there was a sudden pulsing pain on your head and the episodes of awhile ago came back to you.

"What did he do?" You whined rubbing the spot on your head.

Suddenly there was a light tapping noise by the window and you looked up to see Isaac waving at you with a small smile rested on his charming face. 'I'll use him to get out of here...' You then slid off the bed and moved towards the window.


Since i'm lazy the next part wont be out that soon again.

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