Crazy Asylum

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Welcome to Linkin crazy asylum where you will be given 3 square meals a day with a hot shower and a place to sleep. If you do not like it here their is no reason to complain or scream about it because mostly likely you will never be leaving here.If you try to hurt one of are staff members or patients we will use force or seidate you with are speical medicine. If theses acidents happen more then once we will have no choce to leave you in are special isolated part of are beautiful building where the light only shines at noon. Please in joy your stay because we are so delighted to have you here with us. And we do truly mean it so have a nice stay.

   No one wants to go crazy one day but some times you just do. I Izzy pleaged to myself that I would never end up their I would rather die then go crazy. Mama tells me after school i should take a different way home since i have to pass the crazy asylum going home.Maybe I am just become very paranoid .I cant help it but walking past there my eyes and ears are just so curious and I find myself gazing and getting lost in the darkness of that place.Some days you can hear people screaming help me save me from the demons that bring me pain save meee!  what scares me the most passing the place is when their out on the yard just walking around. One day some one tried to get my attention so I walked over not really thinking about it then they tried to grap me. He got a hold of me and i was screaming at the top of my lungs one of the staff members ran over to me and forced the man to let go and forced him to the ground. Then the  odd old men fell to the groud and let me go.The staff member tried to sediate him since he wa so out of controll.

  I was in shock that this just happened to me what was i thinking. the guy told me never to talk to the patients that their all just so crazy. Do all the patients in there have demons in them or were they just afraid of the outside world getting them instead.

I never did tell mama what happened to me that day the old man tried to get me  she would of never let me walk that way home again even though theres really no other way to get home . She was already on edge by me walking pasted that  insidious place ,this for sure  would push her off the hill she is on.

                ( flash back)

I remember when I was younger  mama use to tell me stories about here friend Annable who was put in the crazy asulm right after she turned 14. The story starts way befor her dear friend  Annable moved into her big house on linkin street. She was a sweet girl that turned into a monster.

       (Mama telling the story)

That house one the coner of Linkin street was always the strangest out of  every house in this small town. There was rumors that is was haunted because of what happened in it before. A long time ago before I was even born their was a nice family living their named the Owens. They had 4 beautiful girls Leah 4, Brittney 7, Anna 13 and Jessica Ann 16. They were always the talk of the neighborhood my mother told me. They moved into that house after they    moved from another small town. After about a year later most people started to see a change in the hole family. They werent their happy selfes anymore and they didnt like to talk to others anymore One day nobody heard from the family for a couple of days so some people walked over to check things out. They knocked on the door their was no reply. They started to get really worried so they went to the back to see if anyone was home. The back door was sort of opend so they all decided to walk in. Mrs. Owens was standing over her oven cooking. She  didnt even move when they walked in. Emily Wacker (town whore)told the others to look around why she talks to Mrs.Owens. As the other walked around the corner they saw poor little Leah laying on the ground dead. They all started to scream what happened ,where is everyone else, but Mrs.Owens still did not budge. They all started to run around the house looking for the other children and Mr.Owens. When they went up stairs they went to the first door on the left. It was Jessica Ann's room she was dead on the bed with a big blood pile surrounding her. When they ran to the other girls room they found the same things the girls laying in their bed dead. Mr.Owens was not in his bed room he was dead in the bathroom tube Georiga and the others ran back down stairs to tell Emily to call 9-1-1  she still couldnt believe what they just found up stairs in the prettiest house on Linkin street.

Panic was flowing in the air but Mrs.Owns still didnt even turn around to welcome her guest. Now anger  was filling the room how could she do this to her beautiful family. Mr.Evans(town preacher) step up and turned Mrs.Owens around to see why she wasnt even a bit concered. What in the  heavens was wrong with her did she not no what was going on in her own home. As Mr.Evans spinned her around something felt worng and you could feel it in the air. When he was face to face  with Mrs.Owens all he saw was  a demon not the prettiest woman  in this small town.

Mrs.Ownes face was cut up and she was bleeding really bad . Then they realized she was stabbed in the stomach and stabbed in other places to. Mr.Evans was in so much shock he ran out of the house and was later found died in his one bedroom apartment. (they think he commited suicide)

  Mrs. Rebeca Owens was later charged with murdering her family but was not sent to jail. She was sent to Linkin crazy asylum where she would spend the rest of her life. At the court hearing she said the house made her do it that she loved her family and she could never do that to them. The court was so shocked that a loving mother of 4 could do that to her children at her husband. The small town of Linkin would never forget what happened on that  sunny day  in July. The legend will go on forever and people will retell the stort in many different ways.

The legend of the house is very frightning to some but some seem not to mind the horror story as much. Children dare each other to go into the house since no one lived in their for along time .When I was about 5 that all changed the house on the coner of 9th street was no longer fo sale someone bought it and was about to move in that is how I meet my best friend  Annabel Green.

Mama really didnt like to talk about Annabel alot. All she would ever say about her is she was really nice and pretty. You would think she would have more to say about her best-friend then that. I no if I had a best friend like mama and Annable i would be able to talk about them for hours. I guess mama does have her reason why she doesnt talk about her . Even when I ask my mommom about her she really doesnt say alot .

One day I hope I can be a famous investigator because i live to dig things up about the past. Maybe being nosey isnt a good thing but when you dont have any friends its the only thing that keeps you bussy. I could tell you alot about people and even they wouldnt no it about themselves . I just love to read other people and look into their lifes. One time I got introuble out school for calling the teacher out for doing bad things. I watched him for a while and investigated him for the longest time untill I knew I was right. Lets just say mama wasnt happy when she got a call from the school saying I was in trouble.

Mama told me I need to give my little hobby up but I just couldnt. She knows me better than that. This is my passion this is what I like to do with my time . Mama knows deep down I will keep doing it .

My next big investiation is going to be the Linkin cazy asylum and the house on Linkin street. I want to find our everything about the two . I wouldnt sleep untill I pull up every secret on them both .I will have to start small and go to the local library on Washington street and look up things. This might be hard but I need to do it maybe I can solve theses cases.

No one can find out about this investigation or I will be better of dead. Alot of secrets or scary things might be pulled out of the closet from both of theses  places . Who could possible
Know what is hiding behind thoses old wooden doors

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