Princess In Training

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Nessy P.O.V:

I moaned as the hamburger melted in my mouth, this was the most best hamburger I have ever ate.


"Vanessa, hows that hamburger?" My mom asked and chuckled.

"You mean Nessy." I corrected "The hamburger is great."

Ketchup splattered all over my mouth and my mom frowned at me before shaking her head and leaving the room.

Lets just say I'm a tomboy, my mom always wants me to be a little girly girl with boyfriends and dabbing the corners of my mouth every five seconds.

I grew up with 2 brothers, how did she think I was gonna turn out?!

Nick is about 20 and Ryan is about 14. I'm 17.

I finished my hamburger before my mom and dad called me in the room.


I ran into the living room, they motioned me to sit down.

I awkwardly sat down and waited for them to talk.

"Me and your father always wanted you to be a little more...girly." She started.

I folded my arms over my chest, "Go on." I spoke.

"So, we signed you up for a princess program in London!"

My mouth literally fell open.

"What?! When do I have to leave?" I screamed.

"Uh, tomorrow."

"You decided to tell me a day before I had to leave?"

They smiled and nodded.

I gave them dirty looks before marching up to my room and flopping on my bed.

Why cant they just accept I don't want to be a girly girl? Shouldn't they accept that.

I signed before folding up all my clothes and placing them into my blue suitcase I got for Christmas.

I put family pictures in, packed hair ties and some electronic things.

I sniffled before laying my head down and going to sleep.

Next Day

I checked the clock and saw it was 5.

"Vanessa! Get dressed and bring your stuff down, hurry! They're coming at 6."

I slowly got out of bed before putting my hair into a ponytail, slipping on my undergarments and decided on a tank top that said 'Obey', some skinny jeans and my grey converse.

My every day look.

I grabbed my suitcase and walked downstairs to see my brother, mom and dad standing by the door.

"Nessy." Ryan said and looked upset.

I frowned and hugged him tight.

"Be good" I whispered in his ear.

I hugged my mom tight and then my dad.

I heard a car beeping and saw a car that said

'Princess Program'

I signed before walking out and going to the door I looked back at my house I would be missing for 6 months.

I stepped into the van and saw 6 other girls and a nice woman with a tiara smiling.

I awkwardly sat in a seat and buckled up before pulled away from my house.

I slipped in my headphones before rocking out to Ellie Goulding. I hummed silently and saw a sign that said 'London-10 miles'

I signed before looking around at the other girls.

One girl had long curly blonde hair that flowed to her chest, blue eyes and some perfect lips..she was texting.

Another girl had mid length brown hair, brown eyes and a small mouth, she was playing with her fingernails.

The next girl had hair, grey eyes and looked bored.

The last girl had hair that went to her thighs, bluish greenish eyes and was perfect, she was looking outside.

We finally arrived to a huge building that looked like a boarding school.

There were about 30 other vans with girls coming out of them.

"Alright girls, get out and head to your left."

I grabbed my suitcase before walking into the room, I went to the left and peeked in before noticing I was late.

I signed and slowly opened the door, everyones eyes turned to mine, I met icy blue eyes.

I shook my head before taking a seat on the floor.

"Now now settle down!" A woman spoke "Ladies, you're probably wondering why there are some gentlemen here, well..this is also a prince program! Anyways, you will receive papers with your dorm hallway and room number also your schedule."

I grabbed the paper and looked at my schedule.

9:00-10:22: Dress fitting

10:22-12:00: Lunch

12:00-1:30: Ballroom dancing

1:30-2:00:Tea time

Hallway #5

Dorm number 112

I frowned as I saw dress In a dress ?! No way.

I got up and walked into the hallway before looking for Hallway 5, I spotted Hallway 5. Ahaha! Found it.

I sped walked into the hallway before finding room 112, I knocked on the door before slowly opening it.

It was the girl in my van that had hair down to her thighs and bluish greenish eyes

I smiled before shutting the door.

"Hi! My name is Vanessa but you can call me Nessy."

She smiled back "Hi! I'm Annabelle, Anna or Belle is fine."

"So whats your schedule?" I asked her.

"Hm, dress fitting, lunch, ballroom dancing, and tea time!" She finished.

"No way! Me too!" I said and laughed.

I heard a soft bell and we quickly walked to our first class...dress fitting.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2013 ⏰

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