Facades and Love

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Rain. That's all there is. Ever since last week, it's been raining like crazy. I've never liked rain, and my mom always wonders why I refuse to leave the house. I just straight up hate rain.

"Tsubaki!" she calls me down. I come running, slipping at the top step. I land on my butt, sliding down the steps, as pain shoots through my tail bone.

"What was all that racket? I know you don't like the rain, but you don't have to take it to such extremes!" she walks in, seeing me getting up. I wince, then straighten. "I need for you to take out the trash." she walks back to the kitchen as if nothing happened.... she probably thought I did that on purpose.

"But mom! That's Arvid's job!" I whined, pulling the trash out of the can anyways.

"Okay? He's not here right now. He went to see his girlfriend." that wretched girl. When she last came here, I remember how she had complained about everything from the color of the walls to the food. She's a little bit of a female dog. Sorry. Can't cuse.

"I know, I know." I lugged the giant bag of smelliness to the door, opening it. I stepped out the door, waiting to see how heavy the rain was falling... it was falling pretty hard. I sighed, then stepped into the wetness of the clouds. I shivered, threw the bag over my shoulder, then trudged out into the mud; we lacked a sidewalk, considering we lived out in the middle of nowhere. My mom keeps telling me we don't live in the middle of nowhere, we just live a mile away from town, which furthermore means, I've been having to walk, in the rain, all the way to school, thanks to the fact my mom has to go to work at about four in the morning.

"Hi." I jumped as someone placed their hand on my shoulder. I froze. I think I remember someone saying that most (was it 95%?) rape starts with a hand to the shoulder.

"RAPE!!!" I screech, swinging the trash, and hit him dead in the face.

"REALLY!? REALLY!" he barks at me, the trash littered across the ground(and him). I stared at him as he began picking it all.

"What are you doing?" I crouch down, looking at his face, which may or may not be covered in pasta? Heh heh... oops...

"Picking up the trash. I would hate to get on the nerves of my room mate." he states, as if this is not new news.

"Wait, what did you just say?"

"I said, picking up the trash. I would hate to get on the nerves of my room mate." he glanced at me, entirely confused... ah... that's right... we were supposed to be having a boarding student come... in my room... and this guy is nineteen, and has already moved out from his parents house... Yeah, this is going to turn out wonderfully...

"Tsubaki! What did you do!?" mom runs up, pushes me to the side, and drags him into the house. "Let's get you cleaned. You'll catch a cold like that." she walks off, hardly noticing I'm also covered in mud, pasta, beer, and am soaked. That's fine. DItch me for the normal person. I kicked at the beer bottle, sending it clashing against the trash can. "CLEAN UP YOUR MESS!" she yells at me, then returns to the house, where "Mr. Perfect" has already gone out of earshot of her I suppose.

"So, you're from where?" mom sits at one end of the table, him the other. I stand over by the counter, dejected of course.

"I come from Japan. My family had moved there during my junior year, so I am here for collage." Oh joy. I finish my steak and rinse off the plate, closely, and surprisingly, followed by the boy. I irk in irritation, but oh joyous me, I am quite good at hiding that fact.

"Tsubaki, could you show him to the room?" Oh, crap. I have a feeling she means that it's not my room anymore. Well, that's just great.

"Yes ma'am. Come on." I motion for him to follow, and he does just that. I walk up the red carpeted stairs and lead him to my, er, I guess I could say old room. I open the door, and quickly motion to the room. "This is your new room!" I act much happier than I really am, but, oh well. "We weren't expecting a guy, so we had just assumed that I could share a room with the boarder student, so, I'll just get my stuff out and leave it to you." I smile an award winning smile, but I'm just not feeling it. Not today anyways. I begin pulling down the pictures that I've drawn and taped to the wall over the past five years. They were all anime style, so different variations. I begin pulling down a picture of the hetalia characters, but am stopped by a hand.

"Why are you so sad?" his voice is deep now, a serious tone overtaking it. My eyes widen. No one's seen through my facade. So how did he? Craaaap.

cliff hanger. I don't feel like doing anymore for now.

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