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If I Stay By: Serena Rogers

I woke up to hear intense knocking on glass. At first, I thought it was the window, unitl I heard it come from the mirror again. I close my book in which I as reading before I drifted which I didnt notice I had slowly and sigh. This has been going on for a week now and yet whenever I go to check it out, it seems as if nothing has been happening. I do believe in the supernatural so maybe its that. I dont dwell on it too long because a minute later I am brought out of my thoughts by my "lovely" sister Freya screeching my name.


"What could you want this time Freya" I screech back annoyed.

"Can't a sister come and talk to her little brother?" Freya says amused walking into my bedroom.

"Not if her name is Freya" I say wanting her to leave. You might think my sister and I arent close. However, we really are. Its just the mirror thing just makes me agitated and very confused.

"Okay, you got me" she says. "I need some cash."

"For what!" I exclaim. I pull out my wallet and hand her a $100.

"Things" She smirks and leaves.

Finally I think to myself. Now, to check out that mirror, Again. I hoist myself off my bed and walk not so gracefully to the mirror possibly tripping over clothing. Just as I expected, nothing. I lay my fingers gently on the glass and move them around. Just then, a faint sound of gears moving and a bright light erupts from the mirror. Unable to move, I stare in amazment and curiousity. Just then, a strong wind flows through out my room and I get yanked through the mirror. A scream ripped apart my lips and shredded the thick silence . I couldnt quite pin point the pain as it was literally everywhere you could think of. After what feels like hours whichin reality was probably only seconds, I Immediately notice my change in outfit. Before, I was wearing a black tuxedo with a black tie and now, Im wearing a black leather jacket with a form fitting white top underneath and black skinny jeans. Hm I think to myself. I like this already. I wish I could always wear this style but of course my parents would probably disown me if they saw me in this. Then, an oddly familiar woman stalks up to me, startling me greatly.

"Elijah!" She exclaims loudly. "Where have you been the last 2 days. You have been worrying everyone. We were trying to look for you. Even the strongest of our kind couldnt track you."

"Sorry" I apologize. I actually have no clue who this woman is or well reconize but its still a bit creepy however, still go along with it. "I was out with Alec" (who is my best friend in my universe if you didnt know and I would assume he is here aswell and if not then whoops.)

"Well, get to training. You're late. You dont want to get in even more trouble do you?"

Training I think to myself what..? "Ah where is the training I totally have a mind blank" I say to the woman hopeful she doesnt question it.

"Oh Elijah" She sighs greatly. "You are so forgetful. Down the hall 3rd door to the right."

I thank her and start heading down the hall. So, it seems as if I am in an alternate universe, AU if you will. But, training..? For what? Am I in the army or something? "One, Two, Three" I say aloud counting the doors. "Aha found it." I mentally cheer and slide open the door. "Woah" I whisper to myself. Beams of all colours catch my eyes as I notice them come out of hands. Confused, I step into the room slowly.

"Elijah!" squeaks a little boy looking about 9 . "Where were you? I missed you so much!"

The little boy is quite adorable. Blonde hair, brown eyes with a blue and white striped polo shirt and beige khaki shorts.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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