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After homeroom I went to my next two classes which were English 3 and English teacher ms.kravitz was sort of bitchy,but my chemistry teacher Mr.Manson what cool ad can be.I'm making my way down to the cafeteria and see Bren leaning against the wall.As I walk over he gives me this weird look.

"Man lookit' all the potential",Bren says as we do our handshake routine.

"Yeah these girls are pretty decent" I reply.

"Decent?,man what majestical broad did you lay eyes on?" ,Bren asks me while laughing.

"Majestical's the right damn word,she's beautiful and I have this feeling about her that I can't shake"

"Who is this Dane?",Bren asks

"Ms.Prez,lindari gambino"

"Maaan get the hell outta here",Bren replied.

"Yeah,she's who I have eyes for at the moment..think I have a chance?"

"I dunno man,she seems to be a 5 star broad,I won't knock your style though,try your best",Bren says.

"Thanks",I tell him as I walk off to get into the lunch line.The line was pretty long.Apparently cheeseburgers were being served for lunch,so it's understandable why so long of a line.Five minutes into the lunch line I only move up seven steps. Some big jock guy thought hat it was ok to just bump my shoulder and skip me.

"Hasn't your mom ever taught you some manners? You should apologize for bumping me",I say coldy

Welp,that's when the room went silent,i look around and see a poster of the basketball team.Apparently this guy is the leader of the team,go figure.

"The hell did you say to me?",the guy asked me,his dark skin turning red.

"Basically I said watch where the hell you were going",I said ,frustrated.

So much for keeping a low profile.

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