when my mom was cleaning out the the closet from our new house she found a box that I labeled a read"Zelda Box" in a bad written way my brother Ross did not want to take it out so he didn't care about it mom asked if I wanted it and I said yeah!!!, I started to unravle the box and the console and the Games I found Skyrim and tettris and finally I found Zelda my most founde memory from my child Hood when me and my brother used to play it.When I went to pick it up ,the back of the game was broken beyond repair so In a chance to save my childhood I looked online for any Zelda copy I could find, I didn't find any so I looked in every thrift store that we're around my area I went to every one and when I was about to give up I found a good will that had the game
I was exited to play I found the copy but what was odd of the copy was it only said "Zelda" which might have been written with a black sharpie I rubbed it of as just nothing so I bought it for 10$ then I went home
To play it.