Chapter Twenty Three

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Sorry! I thought I updated this on Niall's birthday but I guess I didn't hit update! Here's 23!




*Friday, September 13, 2019*

"Alexander, come here, bud!" I yelled. It was Niall's 26th birthday and he was out at an interview with the boys. I was setting up for the surprise party as everyone started getting into town. The boys were keeping him out until about 7pm when they were going to bring him home where everyone would be waiting. All of his family was flying in, Trish's parents were flying in, and I had invited some of his friends from high school that I had met and really got along with. All the girls and guys were coming as well and I hoped he liked it.

"Read?" Alex asked as he walked into the kitchen, holding out a book to me. It was nearly noon and I still had to feed him before he went down for a nap at 1.

"How bout I'll read to you while you eat your lunch?" I offered and he nodded. I had a plate of grapes and apples and broccoli with some banana slices on it along with some little sandwiches that looked like dinosaurs (his favorite animal). We sat down and he started eating after handing me his book. He adored the book Green Eggs & Ham and we read it all the time.

"A train, a train! A train, a train! Would you, could you, on a train?" I read and he started giggling.

"Choo choo!" He giggled as he clapped. I smiled and kissed his forehead. He finished eating and I put him down for his nap. I started getting everything ready and once people started arriving around 5 they helped me set food out and get drinks ready (no alcohol since all of us had kids- Thomas Louis Styles: October 5, 2018; Allison Marie Payne: December 31, 2018)

We had happy birthday decorations and everyone helped me set those up as I went to go get Alex up around 5:15. Niall had picked an adorable outfit out for him a while before and it was the cutest thing ever so I put him in it. It was jeans with a polo like Niall wore a lot and a hoodie on top that looked like a teddy bear with ears. Alex loved it too because without the sweatshirt he looked "just like Dadda" which was amazing for him since he looked up to Niall so much. Around 6:50 Louis texted me saying they were on their way home, with an ETA of 5 minutes. Everyone got into place and we shut the lights off.

"Remember, when Daddy walks in, you run to him and say 'Happy Birthday, Daddy!'" I whispered to Alex and he nodded. About 5 minutes later Niall walked in and turned the lights on.

"Surprise!" Everyone jumped up.

"Happy birthday, Dadda!" Alex ran to Niall and Niall scooped him up. He didn't usually have the best diction but we had practiced happy birthday.

"Thanks, buddy. Where's Mummy?" Niall whispered as he hugged Alex.

"Over dere." Alex pointed to me.

"You set this up again?" He smiled as he hugged me too.

"You know it." I smiled and he kissed me.

"Thanks, Princess. I love you." He kissed my temple.

"I love you too." I whispered.

"Now go talk to everyone. Your old friends are here, your parents are here, your brother and his family are here, go enjoy it." I kissed him and grabbed Alex. He went around and talked to everyone until I noticed an ex of his hugging him and hanging on him. Evidently one of his friends brought her and I was not happy. It was nearly 8 and Alex was really tired.

"I'm putting Alex to bed. You have fun with everyone." I whispered in his ear as I walked by him but it was obvious I was a little upset. Alex and I sat in the recliner in his room and grabbed a couple books. Niall walked in as we sat down and looked concerned.

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