A Visit From His Sisters [Part 1]

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Luciano yelled angrily at the lazy German. Lutz groaned rolling over onto his side, he was lying in the grass, half asleep although he was meant to be training.  Suddenly a knife landed extremely close to the German nation's head.
"Alright, Alright! I vill get up!"
He groaned, slowly standing up while letting out a yawn. Lutz then began his training like Luciano had commanded, although the training was not up to Luciano's standards and he made Lutz do extra training. Kuro, however, he was not paying attention at all. He even managed to somehow drop his Katana (Katana = A Japanese Sword), this of course was extremely rare to see.  
"Kuro what the hell-a is wrong with you today?! Pay attention!"
Luciano yelled clearly irritatedby the lack of respect he was getting from his allies. Lutz, he knew was lazy and rarely payed any attention. It was Kuro that was bothering him, the silent Japanese man never got so easily distracted but recently it had been happening quite a lot.  Kuro had been late to training multiple times, he was constantly in some sort of day dream. Luciano, being short tempered stormed over to Kuro, pointing one of the many knives he owned at Kuro, who stood staring into the Italian's bright magenta-coloured eyes with his usual emotionless expression. Luciano then spoke up, pressing the knife on Kuro's chest, but not hard enough to actually draw blood.
"I want an explanation. Right-a now!"

It took a few seconds for Kuro to realize that Luciano was talking to him and not Lutz.
"I apologize, Luciano-san. I will pay attention now."
Kuro said in his usual monotone voice, picking up his katana. Luciano then shook his head crossing his arms over his chest,
"Don't-a bother.  Training is over for today."
Without another word Luciano was gone, Lutz followed behind him like a lost puppy while complaining about being given extra training to do.

"Finally... It's over..." Kuro said, letting out a quiet sigh. He then began to walk off in the opposite direction, heading towards his house. Once at home he took off his shoes, leaving them by the door. He then walked into his room, taking off his dark purple cape and jacket, placing them over a chair. He then lay down in bed, wanting to rest for training the next day. There was one problem, What was stuck in his mind was the surprise visit from his siblings, Ly and Ming Yue. His Vietnamese and Taiwanese sisters had never visited Kuro, both were still mad at him for what happened to their eldest brother, Xiao.  During world meetings Kuro would ignore the other Asian nations and stay by Luciano and Lutz, this meant the two sisters had not spoke to Kuro since the day he left, years before.


Kuro's pov.

A loud banging noise was heard at the door, I sighed standing up. Once I reached the door, my eyes widened in shock to see two girls standing out in the pouring rain. Looking closer at their faces I realized they were my sisters, but why were they here? 
"Ly, Ming Yue! What are you two doing here?!"
I asked, although I didn't want to I stood to the side allowing the girls into the house. 

"Thank you, Kuro." 

Ly said with a small smile, Ming Yue just scoffed walking straight past, not that I found that surprising, the Taiwanese girl never really liked me anyway.  I crossed my arms, gesturing towards their muddy shoes, they then took off their shoes and sat down.  After pouring them a drink and giving them each a blanket, as I saw they were shivering quite a bit, I sat down across from them. I then waited quite impatiently for them to tell me their reasons for being at my door...

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