Baby Sis Part 2 (Law and Order: SVU)

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REQUEST: Imagine Carisi's sister being kidnapped because of his job, and she gets raped. A lot of fluff plz!!


Sonny Carisi x Baby!sister

TRIGGER WARNING: gun shot, violence, rape, blood, kidnapping, and fluff...

(Law and Order: SVU)

(Carisi's POV*)

    It is Thursday morning at 11:30 and I am sitting at my desk doing some paper work about the last case, when i hear a voice so familiar to me.

    "Sonny!" I turn around quickly to see three of my sisters balling their eyes out as they run up to me. Bella reaches me first.

    "Bella what wrong?" I ask as all of the wraps their arms around me and i hug back. They are all sobbing and trying to talk but i don't understand what they are saying.

    "Guys, calm down."

    "Its Ma and Dad, they're dead. I found them this morning, and (Y/N) is missing." Bella manages to get out. I freeze. Y/N is our baby sister, only 14.

    "What happened?" I ask as they let go.

    "I was going to their house for breakfast, and They were both laying on the floor in the living room with bullets in their head. I screamed and Y/N was nowhere. I called 911 and they told us we had to leave the apartment, and they said that they would find her." Bella explains more. Then Olivia walks in.

    "We have a case, 14 year old girl is kidnapped." She says as I spin around to face her.

    "It's my sister sarge." I say not making eye contact.

    "Sonny." Bella says as she collapses and i catch her. She is the second youngest. I am protective of all my sisters, but especially Y/N.

    I sit at my desk, not moving after my sisters leave with police protection. I hear my team talking, but i don't listen to them... all i can think about is Y/N. When we find her, so help me god, if there is one scratch on her, i will kill this man. He killed my mom and dad. That's when it hits me, they're dead.

    A tear escapes my eye.

    "Sonny." Amanda says sitting next to me. "We will find her. I promise." Usually I'm the one saying this. I never thought i would get told this, especially since she is my baby sister and I am a cop, i vowed to always protect her.

    "Sonny, you should go home." Olivia says. I shake my head no. She nods and looks back at the board. After to minutes of still blocking them out and thinking of ways to kill this son of bitch, Olivia waves her hand in front of my face.

    "SONNY!" She yells. I look up at her. "We got him." She says. "Its Perez. The guy you locked up a few weeks ago, his older brother. We know where he is staying, let's go." I nod quickly not ever getting my jacket and running out to the car with Amanda.

(Y/N's POV*)

    He left me tied up to the pole, as he raped me. I cried and screamed for what felt like hours, until my throat felt raw. Then when he finished, he took out a pocket knife, he slowly cut a small but deep line above my eyebrow, and then jabbed it into my stomach, I groaned, but couldn't scream. Then I let the darkness take over.

(Carisi's POV*)

    We are almost there. I hope she is okay.

    When we arrive we burst in guns raised. We hear ruckus down stairs and that is where we go. When we get down there, i see a man trying to escape through a window, i put my gun up, ready to shot him, when Fin grabs him by the pants and rip him down. His belt was undone.

    'No.' I think to myself.

    Then I see Y/N. I run over to her. She is knocked unconscious and is bleeding really bad out of her stomach. Her clothes are all messed up, and it is clear that he raped her. I quickly untie the knots on her wrists.

    "Y/N, please wake up." I start to cry as i notice the blood between her thighs. I apply pressure to her stomach. "Y/N, you need to wake up, come on. I love you doll. You can't leave me, not like this. Come on sis." I sob. Her pulse is weak, but it is there. "Come on, keep fighting for 5 more minutes. The ambo is on their way." I know she can't hear me.

    Amanda kneels next to me, she has tears in her eyes too. Then i hear sirens approach and two men come running in, they put Y/N on a gurney and take her away. Me and the team drive to the hospital. I call my sisters, and tell them to meet me there.

    When we arrive, We all have to wait in the waiting room. My sisters are hysterical. They just don't stop crying, I sit there, staring off thinking about if she is going to be alright or not. After 3 hours, the doctors come out.

    "Family for Y/N Carisi." We all stand up and walk over to them. "Y/N will be fine, she will make a full recovery, but she was raped, and needs to rest a lot. She may be fine physically, but not mentally." The doctor says which makes me want to punch him. She is the strongest out of all of us.

    "Thanks doc, can we see her?" I manage to get out.

    He nods and leads us to her room. She is so small laying in the bed. She has tube going through her nose, and all needles in her arms. This makes me want to start crying, but i hold it together for her. I sit next to her bed and pick up one of her hands carefully. All my sisters gather around the room. After three hours, they are all asleep, except me. I hear a soft groan. I look at Y/N, and i notice her eyes start to flutter open.

    "Y/N?" I whisper. Her eyes dart around the room as the machine that keeps beating speeds up a lot. "Hey hey hey, your safe doll. Don't worry." I say brushing a strand of hair out of her face. She looks me in the eyes and I can see she is in pain. Physical and mental. Her lips start to shakes and eyebrows knit together and tears start to fall. I stand up and wrap my arms around her. The machine is beeping like crazy, which makes doctors come running in.

    "Move." One says waking all my sisters up. Y/N's eyes shoot open and i can tell she is so scared. I squeeze her hand really tight.

    "I'm here." I tell her. They lay her down flat, which i can tell, she doesn't like, and they remove the tube from her throat. When they are done, they sit her up straight and leave. She looks so fragile.

    All my sister run up to her and hug her. She starts to sob. They all let go, and sit around her.

    She groans in pain a little as she lays back down still crying. "Hey doll. You don't have to be scared anymore. You are going to come live with me, and ill keep you safe." She nods still shaking and looks me in the eyes. "You know, i thought i lost you sis. I can't lose you. Mom and Dad, is hard enough but you, no way doll. You can't leave me here with all your sisters, you're the only normal one." I say cracking a smile and everyone giggles a little. But Y/N just continues to cry.

    The doctor comes back in. "She needs to rest, you should all leave." We all nod, even though we don't want to.

    "Get some sleep, and we will be here when you wake up." She nods as all of us start to leave.

    "Sonny." She whispers when in almost at the door.

    "Yea sis?" I look at her and all i see is pain.

    "Can you stay?" She asks. I nod.

    "Of course doll." I say and I sit down in the seat next to her. "Now sleep easy, if you need anything, im here. Ill protect you." i say as i kiss her forehead, and she slowly falls to sleep.

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