Once upon a time there was a kid named Joe. You see, Joe wasn't exactly a normal kid. He was well, let's just say "special". Now shush shush I know what your thinking. Oh what you thinking calling someone that!?! Well I got my reasons.
So you see one day Joe was walking down the hallway at school minding his own business until he found a sandwich. So what was his first instinct? Pick up the dang sandwich, well sense Joe is a "special" he decided to eat the sandwhich off da nasty floor, that did I say?, no one ever has cleaned before. Well just as he started to bite into the sandwhich it said,
But we all know what happend, it was to late and he ate it. And sense he was "special" he didn't care until his head exploded and the world ended because of da sandwhich.


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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