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"YOU...." Breathed Blaze

chapter 8..........


I heard Blaze say beside me and i looked at him confused.He knew this person.But i could'nt deny one question swirling in my mind as if it had the damn right! how? how the hell did he know this person?

I looked at him baffled and my mouth hanging open

"What? Blaze, you know him?" i asked him with confusion so clear in my voice.

He looked at me briefly then at the person standing there with wide eyes.Eyes which showed me warmth whenever i needed them.The eyes which supported me throughout.The eyes to whom i owe so much that it hurts to pay back.The eyes of my BEST FRIEND.

Jake Connor.

"Yeah.He knows me.How can he not.Right? Blaze?"

My blue eyes snapped towards Blaze's yellow ones

"uh....How 'bout we all go inside,have a cup of coffee and talk like civilized human beings?Shall we?" I said as i ushered them inside.

I opened the door of my house to be welcomed by an empty living room but only two chairs.

An empty dining hall with a convertible sofa cum bed Jason used when he came home which was very unfortunate.

I stole a glimpse towards Blaze to see what he thought of it.His eyes were wide with a sort of understanding in them.weird.I thought.

I directed them to sit on the sofa cum bed and pulled a chair for me from the living room.

I sat down and saw Blaze looking around at the white bare walls.What? was he expecting there to be pictures of me and my family?Or some trophies of competitions which held at school or maybe some painting made by god knows which old painter.

When no one said anything for years i broke the pin-drop silence with my confident voice

" anyone going to tell me anything about that glaring world cup championship you guys just pulled off in front of my house?!"

Blaze glared at Jake and Jake mirrored his expression like his own.

"Okay that's it boys! Get out of my house this second!" I yelled as their heads turned towards mine with their eyes wide.Jake groaned and i scoffed.

"Oh! stop it you guys! Get out of my house right now"

I said now getting up and pointing towards the door that led outside.

"Come on Lia! You can't just kick out your best friend out of your house. Now can you?"

"Yes i very well can and i'm doing it if you can't see" i snapped at him very angrily

The look on Jake's face told me had succeeded in achieving what i had wanted

Blaze just stared at us with amusement.

"i see. You have made a very good best friend now. Haven't you?" said Blaze for the first time since he came in

"Yes I have and i just don't see how it bothers you. And we have been best friends way before I joined your god forsaken team" remarked Jake.

"Guys, guys, guys. You both have two very good options here.One-Tell me why the glaring match happened or you know the way out" i said and sat down on my chair and crossed my legs.

"Fine I'll begin but don't tell me otherwise" Gruffed Blaze

"Very well" i said. I liked the way i was sorta ruling them.I don't know how i became this professional or maybe this formal with them but it just took over me you know. I liked it.......




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