PROCEED HERE : Suho Scenarios

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Sehun : Hyung, buy me all of that.please~~~

Suho : Okay, Sehun. Hyung will buy all of it for you. 

Sehun : Yehey!

Suho : Sir, can I buy all of these?

Sir : All of these? 200? It cost a lot. 

Suho : Its okay. Here, my credit card.

Sir : I already warn you. It all cost $1,000,000. Here's your credit card

Suho : Thank you. Here, Sehun

Sehun : Yehey, thank you! I love you more than Luhan hyung

Suho : ..

[EXO crack joke]

Suho: What are you up to?

Chen: Just watching a movie.

Suho: What's it about?

Chen: It's about a man's wife who is brutally murdered by a serial killer, and his son is left physically disabled. Then in a twisted turn of events, his son is kidnapped, and the man has to chase the kidnapper thousands of miles with the help of a mentally disabled woman.

Suho: Oh god, what's it called?

Chen: Finding Nemo.

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