Twenty Two - ♢I Still Love Her♢

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She's gone and she's hurt, all because of me.

"Hyung what happened? Why did Jina just flash out of the house? Where did she go?"

"Nan molla Jungkook. (I don't know also Jungkook) She saw my wrist and now she's hurt."

Jungkook let out a sigh and lightly patted my shoulder.

"She's alright. She might have been shocked since she still loves you. Tell me Jimin hyung, do you still love her?"

I stayed silent for a while thinking about Jungkook's question.

At that moment, I recalled every memory I had with Jina before she left for 4 years.

"You don't want to have a sleepless night, thinking about that movie do you?"

I told her as she thought about it and quickly walked towards my side and sat beside me.

"How are you going to help me sleep?"

"Just lie down and close your eyes Jina."

"D-dè? (Pardon?)"

She stuttured which I found cute and added pressure on her shoulders which made her lie down on my back. She sighed inwardly and just decided to listen to me.

That time when I helped her fall asleep by singing to her, because she has a aphobia of ghost.

I took out my phone and positioned it towards her.

"Smile Jina."

She did a cute peace sign with a smile and I took a photo of it. I smiled, looking at the photo of Jina, while setting it as my phone screen.

Till, now her photo is set as my phone wallpaper.

"I love you so much Jina."

She smiled when I said that and I leaned in to close the gap between us. Her lips were soft, as I guided her in a slow passionate kiss.

I soon let go and placed my pinky finger in front of her. She gave me a confused look and I smiled while grabbing my pinky finger with her.

"Promise me that you'll love me forever."

She smiled and nodded.

"I promise."

I smiled and didn't let go of my pinky.

"Now you tell me something to promise."

She chuckled and tried thinking of something to say.

"Promise me that you'll hold me forever, even if I'm far apart, you'll never let go and hold me tight."

I was quite confused as to why she requested that but she stared at me with worried eyes, hoping that I would agree.

"I promise Jina. I'll never let go of you."

I broke that promise, I couldn't keep it.

"Jimin-ah, don't you even want to welcome me? It's been 4 years since I last saw you."

I felt my whole body tense and shake while I heard the familiar voice and scent.

I let go of her hands around my waist and slowly turned around with shock evident in my eyes.


She smiled at me and lightly interwined our fingers together.

"I miss you so much Jimin."

I didn't replied but instead pulled her closer by her neck and attached my lips with her.

The kiss I shared with her a moment ago, made all the worries and hollow feeling in me disappeared.

For four years, I missed the feeling of her lips and now I've got her close to me. Jina, the love of my life, someone whom I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I looked up and stared into Jungkook's eyes.

"Yes, Jungkook, I still do. She's still the only one who has captured my heart and now I need to fix everything. Tell me Jungkook, where could she be?"

Jungkook smiled at me proudly and embraced me in a brotherly hug.

"Komawo Hyung. (Thank You Hyung) She's at a place where the view of the whole city would be seen."

I thought for a while and I immediately knew where it was. Unlike other girls who are afraid of heights, Jina loves it.

I let go of Jungkook and immediately concentrated to the place I would flash to, hoping that she's there.

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