A Revelation

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A/N: I am so so so sorry about not updating in forever... there is a longer explanation in the comments section of this chapter if you're interested as to why it took me this long. Thank you for sticking with me!

"Hey," Gwen approached Blake after dinner. She set her plate down next to the sink with a soft clink and lingered next to him as he did the dishes. "Thanks for taking me hunting today. I learned a lot." She tilted her head and waited for his blue eyes to meet hers. "Hey," She placed her hand on his bicep when she was met with no response. She spoke softly. "What's wrong, what's going on in your head right now?"

Blake turned the water off and dried his hands. "Are you sure you enjoyed it?"

"I truly did. You know me better than to think I would lie to you." Gwen hoisted herself onto the kitchen counter and watched as Blake placed the plates into the dishwasher. The absence of his wedding band prompted a fluttering feeling well into her abdomen, but she wasn't prepared to address the cause.

"I also know that you weren't prepared to see the moose hit the ground." He turned towards her, her red lips pursed in thought.

"No, perhaps not, but it was still a learning experience." She stared at her legs, crossed at the ankles. Her toes had swelled to twice their normal size from the walking she'd endured. "Also I got to spend some time with my favorite cowboy, so that's that." She smiled at him.

Blake smirked and proceeded to place the soap in the dish washer and start it. "Just you wait, G." He turned and exited the kitchen.

- - -

"Pharrell!" Adam pawed the screen door to the upstairs balcony closed after he stepped outside. "I think our plan may have gone a little off-course." Adam hurriedly made his way over to the bench and dropped the book onto Pharrell's lap.

"And this is?"

"Everything we could have ever had wanted to know about Gwen and Blake." Adam slapped at his forearm, killing a mosquito in the process.

"Adam, we can't look through this."

"Why are these damn bugs so big here?"

"This is Gwen's journal; we can't invade her privacy like that."

"Apparently the bugs are as large as the state."

"Hey, pretty boy, let's not preoccupy yourself with vanity for once." Pharrell tossed the leather-bound notebook back into Adam's arms. "Do you realize how much hot water you'd get us into?"

Adam gestured towards the back of the property, "Hey man, speaking of hot water, I read there was a natural hot springs nearby-"

"Okay can we focus on what's really important here!?" Pharrell exclaimed, shooting up from his spot on the cushioned wooden bench. "Gwen will never trust us again if we meddle around in," he paused, halfheartedly pointing at the notebook. "This."

Adam opened the journal, beginning to read aloud. "Apollo's first steps, Kingston's soccer game, a ven diagram of the pros and cons of owning birds for pets. Why did she even bring this?"

Pharrell's defenses finally surrendered. "Go to a more recent day, these are all from two months ago." Adam flipped a few pages and skimmed the pages intently. "Anything?"

"Shh." Adam shushed him, raising his index finger in the air. "I have no idea what any of this is, it doesn't even form a cohesive thought."

"That could mean anything, couldn't it?"

"Theoretically, yes. But I think we know Gwen better than she thinks we do."

"Are you suggesting that we might be able to figure out what she's alluding to?"

Adam shot Pharrell a look. "By the time we get done with this, P, we're going to know her better than she knows herself."

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