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-They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me, they couldn't care...-
I spun around my room, shaking my head about madly and dancing like there was no tomorrow. Suddenly the door burst open. I froze and my hair fell in front of my face,  i nonchalantly pushed it back with my long slim fingers and faced my mum.
"Your grounded"
Im taken aback by her tone and randomness, "what?"
She sighs heavily,  yeah, coz its tooootally obvious, " i just got a call from your head of year, apparently you put a girl in hospital..."
"Mum, im in year 10 now, im 15 years old, im going to get in trouble every now and then, its natural, besides, she started it." i said defensively, crossing my arms.
"Pandora," great, im in more trouble than i thought,  mum only calls my Pandora if im in deep shít, more often than id like to admit, "dont start all that 'im a teenager' cráp, you got in a fight at school,  when you're supposed  to be studying and learning,  for crying out loud, you broke her leg! And, you dont have a single bruise on you."
No matter what happens, im grounded, "well, she came up to me at break," lie, "and started saying shít about you to my face," lie, " so i punched her," true, "and then she went and grabbed a chair and hit me round the head with it," true, "really hard," lie, "so i grabbed the chair, tripped her up and slammed it down on her leg, i didnt know it was gonna break," true.
My mum sighed and rubbed her temple,  "what am i going to do with you?"
"Buy me new clothes? In return for defending your honour" i suggested hopefully.
She scowled at me, "No. You're grounded until her leg heals," and with that she left.
I gasped and logged onto my laptop to see how long that would take. In all honesty,  i started the fight,  this girl i know in year 9, my ex'es little sister, was walking passed me when i was with a friend and she was talking to a girl and shes like 'thats the skank i was telling u about, the one that only went out with him for his money' and im just like excuuuuuse me?! Who that little bítch think she is?! So i turned around to her and im like 'what did you just say?' and she said 'only that you're a gold digging skank,' so i punched her and then the rest happened, she got the chair from a nearby classroom. After i hit her with the chair a group of people gathered around and started chanting 'fight!' she was lying on the floor crying, the head teacher had cone over and i just said 'dont call me a gold digging skank again you bitch, ' and walked off with Lola (my friend)

Turns out that it could take months to heal, depending how bad the break it, well, R.I.P social life much.

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