Chapter 1

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Daniel woke up as his window rattled. His eyes were still a bit blurred from waking up. He could make out a red light shining outside his crystal clear glass window. So bright yet he felt nervous. Whatever it was it wasn't natural. It didn't feel right either. 'Is there something going on?' Daniel thought. He wasn't sure. He woke his older brother 'Samuel' up. Samuel was a 13 year old boy with neat parted hair, which looked a bit greasy with all the gel, and black eyes. He had a good, fit body, and was quite popular. Unfortunately he was very arrogant, moody and pessimistic. "Uuuurrrgghhhh," Samuel moaned "Why'd you wake me up so early?"  "Stop moaning Sam, look outside!?" Daniel said. Suddenly the floor tipped on a slight angle which lifted Daniel off the ground smashing onto the wall. "Are you..." Samuel's sentence got cut off as a chair smashed onto his back knocking him on the floor. "I'm alright!" called Daniel. He had spoken to soon. As soon as he said that the table smashed onto his back and Daniel with his younger and weaker body flew off knocking Daniel unconscious. But Samuel didn't see. He raced across the room trying to get the window open. "Damn it, the damn thing won't open!" Samuel yelled, "Dan! Help!" There was no reply. "Dan!? Dan!?" Samuel shouted. Then he saw it, Daniel knocked unconscious on the floor in the middle of the room. Not helpful. He quickly thought and raced across the room. He quickly made the decision to chuck them both out the window. There was better chance of survival diving out of a window from upstairs than there was in a crumbled house. He quickly threw Daniel onto his shoulder then chucked him out. Shortly afterwards, he too, came flying out the window. He quickly rolled then looked back as the house toppled over. He let out a sob as he realized how close it had become for him to never see his brother again.

It was a long walk. Dirty and tired, Sam & Dan walked past houses, they weren't the only ones. At least 4 other families were homeless, dirty and tired. 'Sheesh' Sam thought. "Hey, Sam, we could go to Andy," whispered Dan. This was the first thing Dan had said since they had got out of the house. Andy was a short man and not very fit but he was very wise and scientific. "Yes, good idea, he'll understand," Sam said. As they walked up to Andy's house, two faces popped up. They were the faces of the twins Alex and Mike. They always hanged out together everywhere they went. Alex was short 12 year old boy, who was a friend of  Samuel. Short blonde hair with a rat-tail, he was fast for his height but his height disadvantaged him too. His father had divorced with his mother when he was 1 and his father married another women who had a child named Mike. Even though they had different mothers their bond was deeper than others. Mike's mother had had another child before Mike but the older one had already married and now had his own family.

Mike asked what they were doing. (Sam and Dan of course).

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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