Chapter 11: Stray Con' signal? Nice timing...

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Bumblebee's POV

I watch in my mirror as Skyflare closes my door and walks towards the three bots, staring at me.

"Bee, why did you bring her back?" Spat Sideswipe.

I transform.

"Sideswipe, Strongarm, meet Skyflare, my long lost sister." I say proudly.

Sideswipe stared at me blankly.

"Um... Your sister is a human?" He asks bewildered.

I shake my head.

"No. Skyflare here was captured my the Cons' when she was an Autobot and then they sent her to Earth as a human with no memory of Cybertron."

Strongarm gasped.

"How could they?" She yelled furious. Then she added more quietly "How old was she Sir?"

My mind starts to reel.

Ugh! I can't remember anything except wars!

"Um.. Maybe around your age, Strongarm." I say quickly.

Sideswipe laughed.

"If Skyflare was Strongarm's age when the Cons' took her, she literally had no chance!" He teased.

"Hey!" Screeched Strongarm.

And within minutes, both bots were on the ground, wrestling.

I sigh.

"Break it up!" I order.

The two teenagers broke apart, seething.

"Hey! I was gonna win that one!" Yowled Sideswipe.

Skyflare laughed.

"Yeah right Sideswipe!" She says, her eyes watering with laughter.

The two bots stare at each other and then go their own ways.

I lean down towards Skyflare.

"Comon' your gonna need to see the areas we patrol if you're going to join our team." I say.
"Fixit to Bumblebee! Come in Sir!" A voice says over my com.

"I'm here Fixit. What is it?" I reply.

"I'm picking up a Decepticon signal nearby your location." 

I sigh.

Great timing Fixit! I have a human with me and now I have to chase a stray Decepticon signal!

"Okay. I'll engage if I see anything. Have the rest of the team on standby." I say reluctantly.

"Already one step ahead of you Sir!" Came the reply.

"Thank you Fixit. Bumblebee out." I whisper, in case the Con' was lurking nearby.

"Okay, Skyflare. Fixit has sent me after a stray Decepticon signal. Promise me you'll try to stay out of the way?" I ask.

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