The Crazy Adventure to Vespin

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It started with Jojo Binks being really annoying. He started knocking over stuff and jumping all over the place. CALM DOWN YOU IDIOT WITH NO BRAIN, GOD YOU PISS ME OFF! Ok where was I? Max was driving with Willy at his side. Johnny Wan was practicing his force by picking things up with the force. "Where are we going?" Asked Johnny. Rarrwrwr. That was Willy. Max sad we were going to Vespin. When they got there they were attacked! It was Stona Fett. Get down! Said Max. He shot his blaster and it missed. Willy used his laser crossbow to try and hit him. He was just too darn fast. Johnny tried throwing his lightsaber. JoJo fell and knocked over a blaster that hit Stona's ship and made it hit Stona. He had to fly off and retreat. Who knew of all people would have made Stona have to retreat. They ventured on finding nothing but a small village. They all thought they might find something to do with finding the force. They went through every house and bar. They did not find anything. They had to leave Vespin and fly off to a very cold place. "I've got a bad feeling about this," said Aidan.

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