Chapter Seven

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I sat elegantly on the plump bar stool, glancing behind me to ensure Ezra was still okay.
"Wow, you look... Wow!" Q stumbled. My face heating, I endeavoured to change the subject.
"Have you enjoyed being in London?" I asked, the words spilling from my mouth.
"Yeah, I have relatives here as well so I enjoy comin' here. Also English people are really cute..." He smirked. "Ever been to America?" He asked leaning over the bar and ordering two drinks that sounded most foreign to me.
"Um yeah, I went on a school trip to LA years ago," I murmured, pulling my dress up subtlety, to cover a bit of my cleavage.
"I walked down to a book store this morning, bought all three of your books and was wondering if you could sign 'em," he asked coyly.
"I guess," I giggled, my face reddening as I felt completely embarrassed. The waitress, at least ten times more attractive than me, slid our drinks across the bar, winking at Q.
"It's a cocktail... I thought I should widen your drinking experience." I looked at him, my eyebrows raised, and cautiously took a sip from the green liquid. To my surprise, it was really nice. I tried to hide the fact that I was very much enjoying the drink so not to boost his ego.
"Quinn... Get over here, the food's ready!" I heard Joe cry, beckoning him over to the table in the centre of the room. Q took my hand and led me over. The table was obviously saved for the most important members of the party, which meant the four guys and their close friends. Without consulting his friends, he brought up five extra chairs to the table, gesturing for me, Curtis, Zoe, Ezra and Ab to sit down. I obliged sitting closely to Zoe and Ezra jumping up beside me. Q looked frustrated to not be sitting next to me. Smartly dressed waiters took our orders, I was going to ask for something small but when I found out they were paying, I ordered a burger. I didn't make that much money and they were offering a free meal... I couldn't say no.
"So you're a writer," Bessy started, "Is it always what you've wanted to do?" She asked, her warm, brown eyes gazing towards me.
"Well Grace actually trained to be a midwife for three years... She was the most successful student at our med-school!" Zoe interrupted. Everyone at the table looked surprised, and I was the centre of their attention. I hated that.
"Why didn't you pursue it?" Brian asked, intrigued. Noticing my uneasiness, Abby butted in,
"So have you guys finished the tour yet?"
"We've got our final show tomorrow, then we leave the next day!" Murray exclaimed. "We were actually going to invite you guys if you wanted to come?"
"Oh my god that would be amazing!" Abby cried gleefully.
"And you?" Q asked hopefully.
"No, I don't think so," I replied, ruffling my nephews hair, "I think I'd be a bit irresponsible givin' him two late nights in a row and I can't imagine your shows are PG," I smiled,
"I'm staying at our hotel tomorrow night," Bessy said, "I could look after him while you go to the show,"
"Thanks for the offer but he can be a handful," I laughed, kissing the top of Ezra's head looking for any excuse to avoid my crush.
"Where's his parents anyway?" Joe asked, taking a sip from his cola.
"My sister and his dad are in Rome. She's an artist and got a big payoff for a piece of hers so I offered to look after Ezra while she gave herself a break." I laughed, looking down towards Ezra as Q offered him his phone to play with... My heart melted. The conversation moved on until I noticed a tattoo on Q's upper arm through his white shirt. I tried to get a better look but the only words I could pick out were 'has three cats'. He obviously saw me gawking and rolled up his sleeve to give me a full picture of his ink. I pressed my hand to mouth,
"I know, ha ha," he said sarcastically, "This was not my own decision it was a punishment,"
"A punishment," I said, perplexed.
"You've seriously never watched the show?" Sal laughed,
"Well no," I giggled. After they explained the premise our meals were promptly served. We were surrounded by other tables, filled with the cast and crew of the show. I noticed some of the woman staring at Q, chatting amongst themselves and I could tell they hated me. Before tucking into my burger, I chopped up Ezra's chicken into bits and blew on them gently. I heard Q laugh behind me and turned to ask him why.
"Something funny?"
"You're just cute, that's all," he stumbled. Ignoring his comment and diverting my pink face away from him, I sunk my teeth into the rich burger. The table erupted with laughter as tomato source spilled all the way down my dress. I couldn't help but join them as Ezra tried to wipe it from the blue fabric. "Oh God, come on I'll get you get cleaned up," Q mumbled leading me into the back. As we wondered into the restroom I heard Murray whisper to his friends,
"Yeah you will,"
He grabbed a few tissues and warm water and was about to start rubbing when he realised the majority of the spill was down my chest so he handed me the papers. I began to scrub the red stain from my dress when I felt him staring at me.
"I'm so sorry, I hope it's not ruined," he said, sounding genuinely concerned.
"It's just a dress," I replied.
"Not many girls would order a burger, it's hard to look attractive eating one but you managed to pull it off. Most girls I take out order some garden salad crap,"
"Well I don't make much. I've gotta seize any chance I can get for a free meal," I laughed before he unexpectedly wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into a passionate kiss.
I am so fucked.

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