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I was completely speechless. Was it my music that caught him. Then I remember I sent him my CD. "I'm calling about your music."

"Yes." I replied. Maybe he had good news for me. I don't I'm hoping.

"Well I wanted to give you some tips. I think you have great potential, but you're not there yet." My heart completely dropped. What in the actual fuck. I'm pretty sure I'm up there come on now. I guess Drew could tell that my whole domineer changed. I tried not to be so negative about the news, but I would take his advice so I can grow as an artist.

"Yes..." I said faintly. Sighing softly hoping he didn't here it from my end of the phone.

"Well, it's your tone. When you send or rap, I need you to left people know what you're feeling. Sing or rap your feelings throughout the whole song. In the depressing song give as much feel as you can, so your listeners know what you feel. I don't want you to feel like I called you to make you feel like you aren't shit, but you honestly have son great potential. I want you to write another song and record it. Send it back to me, and I'll see what I can do." I nodded, forgetting that he can't see me, maybe this time I could do a lot better, and hopefully get my family a house.

Right after he hung up, I went to my car to grab my notebook from glove department. I've almost literally had this book for two and a half years. It's all creased and dented. It has small doodles on it, that actually have lots of meaning.

As I was walking back in Drew started questioning me. "What's wrong babe?" I simply shook my head no. Referring to nothing was wrong, but in all reality everything was wrong. And she probably knew I was lying, but wanted me to cool down.

Just before a quarter to nine Drew was getting ready to go to bed. I mean all she really could do was take off her tennis shoes and turned the TV on. "Pen, where the hell are the pillows?" She asked.

"See what had happened wa—." I tried saying but got cut off immediately.

"Don't even lie." She said evil eying me.

"I ran into Marvin completely forgetting I had to get pillows, and we got caught up with each other. I honestly didn't realize until I started blowing the mattress up." Her expression softened a little.

"Alright. You're lucky I love you and there is somewhat of a lump on this mattress in shape of a pillow." She said pulling the cover over her body and watching the TV. Honestly I was worried about us getting caught in the abandon home. What would happen, and will we be able to be together? I'm just adding more stresses in my life, and I need to chill. Soon as Drew fell asleep I began writing a song. I could think of anything right then, but as soon as I looked at my sleeping Drew it came to me.

Don't play with her, don't be dishonest
Still not understanding this logic
Aye, I'm back and I'm better
I want you bad as ever
Don't let me just let up
I want to give you better
Baby it's whatever
Somebody gotta step up
Girl I'm that somebody
So I'm next up

The lyrics to me sounded very catchy. I already had the type of beat I wanted to the song in my head. It's mellow and very catchy. Shit I might just make it off this joint, but I needed my stuff from my mom's house. (A.N. - If you forgot he does call his grandma, mom. lol. Now you can continue reading.) I decided to get it tomorrow and rest up a bit. I turned off the tv getting under the cover with Drew and cuddled.

The next morning I got a phone call from UPS. They agreed in hiring me, and that I start sometime this week. They will give me another call for it. I woke Drew up around 12 in the afternoon because I wasn't about to allow her to sleep all day. Especially not in this house. She stretched, soon grabbing her shoes to put them back on. She's such a germaphobe. "Why'd you wake me up Pennnnn?" She nagged to me, but still came over to my side giving it a tight hug.

"I'm going to my ma's house for my things. And I know you left your stuff over there." She nodded telling me, letting me know that she was following along with me. "And here's some gum, since we don't have any toothbrushes or toothpaste yet." I clutched my teeth together like the emoji on the iPhone. She lightly slapped my chest.

"Pen, you're not funny." She stated.

My face was straight, "I wasn't meant to be funny. You ready?" She nodded as she put the gum in her mouth. I grabbed the car keys leaving out the back.

I pulled up at my ma's crib, unlocking the front door. I didn't see my grandma's car out front so I figured she left. "Who is that?" And my assumption was completely wrong, in fact she on the living room couch. Great :). "Why the hell are you here Pen?"

"I just came for Drew and I's things. Nothing more."

"That be—"

"Yea ma, I don't have time to hear the bs, so leave it for the birds. I was planning to come here silently and leave silently." I told her. I knew she was going to go into this whole lecture about wanting to come back and stuff. I didn't want to hear that mess, so I shut it down right away. I think it's a good thing that all my things are organized because I don't want to be in this house for longer than I intend to. Drew's things from the jump was packed, so I took both of clothes downstairs and put it I the trunk. I went back in for my music stuff.

"Pen, I want you to know that you can always call me when you need help okay. I don't think it's healthy for me to disown you just because your a dumb teen. You had a point, and you guys can come back whenever you need it. Okay?"

"Yea okay. Bye g-ma." I hugged her and left out right after.


New chapter ❤️❤️. Enjoy ❤️.
Grandma changed her mind. Awe does she really miss her grand baby Pen?

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