Well, hi there.

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Well, hello there, thoughts. Never thought I would see you again. Wait- I'm with you the entire time. Yaay... Okay, let's see if I remember what just happened. I was walking down the sidewalk, it was midnight. I was listening to my playlist of Brittany Spears, and I was humming. I heard a gunshot through my headphones, which was down an alley. I walked down the alley saying "Hello?" and heard hurried whispers. Suddenly I was gagged and I passed out. Yeah, that's what happened. But how long was I out? I look around, but it's only darkness. Heck, I can't even see myself. Wait, do I have a blindfold on me? I reach up to my face to feel if I have a blindfold on. Yep, I do. Time to check where I am.
I take off the blindfold off, and I'm blinded by a bright light. After getting used to the light I look around the room. It seems normal.. Other than the multiple sets of bunk beds. Heck, I'm on one myself. Everything's grey, which is kinda boring. "Wait- where's my phone?!" I say quietly to myself, checking my pockets. My phone's still on me, thank goodness. I sigh a sigh of relief when I find my phone. I press the lock button, but it doesn't turn on. Shoot, that's right. My phone was low on battery when I started the music.. "Damn it. Where's my purse?" I look around to see if I can find my purse, I always have my important stuff in it like my phone charger or my wallet. "Oh, please this cannot be happening," I say to myself while getting up. Maybe I should try and get out? My purse could be anywhere in whatever building I'm in. I grab the doorknob and try to open the door. Locked. Dang it, where else could there be an exit? I look around the room. A desk is next to a wall with a computer on it an a few drawers. Near that computer is another door and next to that is a tiny window. No way am I gonna fit into that. I walk to the door and turn the handle. Not locked, okay. I open the door slowly. It's a bathroom. A well kept one, too.
I close the door, looks like there's no escape by going through there. What about the computer? I hope that it doesn't need a password, I don't know how to hack. At all. I move the mouse to see if it's on, which it is. It seems to be a windows 8, hopefully there is no password on it. I press the space bar when the lock screen comes up, and it opens the desktop. Thank god it didn't have a password. There was already a document open on Notepad. I clicked its icon on the task bar and it sprang onto the screen. I read its contents.

Hello, newbie.
I bet you're wondering where you are, aren't ya? don't worry, you're not dead and you wont be for a while. Since I am out for the time being, why don't you take a nap? Even though you just woke up, it might be best. see you in the morning, S.

"S?" I said out loud, my eyes already starting to droop. Did they put some type of sleeping gas on this computer?! I mustered enough strength to look at the time before falling back to sleep. Last thing I saw where the numbers 3:48.
Three forty-eight.. AM..

My head hits the desk and I fall asleep.

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