But nobody came.

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"give up my soul? are you crazy?! My body won't be able to fuction without my soul, thanks," I lied. That isn't necessarily true. A body can function without a soul, but maybe for only a day or two for a monster like me. If it was for a human they could keep on living because they're not dependent on Magic. "Oh, I know. I'll only have your soul for just a little bit though. I'll return it to you when I'm done with it," the man said. I can't believe he's bargaining for my own soul, this is ridiculous. "fine.. only because it's for her," the man smiles wide and laughs, "Release her," the woman snaps her fingers at his command and Missy gasps. "Wh..? What's going on?!" She yelled, looking around. Her eyes landed on me and her eyes shrunk, "You.. You were in on this?!"
"look, missy, i was not. I came here to-"
"Shut up! I can't believe that you were in on this.. I int ever want to see you again!" Missy got up and ran out of the building. "Would you like to get this over with?" The man asked.
Not in a million years.
I attacked him with my magic, catching him off guard, he few to the other side of the building. "never," I say.
"You promised, though. It's always bad to break a promise, right?" The man started shooting at me with a gun, thankfully I got the advantage.
I turned back for a millisecond to judge my distance so I wouldn't have to run anymore, but that was a bad thought. Why? WHY DO THIS TO ME? I didn't do anything to you, so why use me for a stupid little.. I need sleep, and I have no other place but home- MY home. My thoughts were interrupted by a blue light breaking through the roof of the warehouse. The sight frightened me. Soon, the building collapsed. What if he's still in there? He is a person, a really mean one, but I don't think he deserves to die. He.. He is a leader of something, right? Doesn't his gang or something like him? I've made up my mind, I have to help him. I ran back towards the collapsed building in search of S.
"S!" I called and I walked along the debris. This dress they put me in.. It's not helping at all. These shoes are slick, too.. No! I can't think of trivial things! I need to search for S. "S!!" I called and called his name..

But I get no answer.
I collaspe onto the debris, my dress is torn, shoes are tarnished, and stockings ripped. I cried. I cried S's name silently as hot tears streaked my cheeks. "I.. I need to keep searching," I sniffed. Ugh, I probably look so gross right now. I get back up and dig through the pieces of concrete in hope to find S.
I heard a groaning sound, "S? S, is that you?! Oh, please be you!!" I find a cracked skull of a skeleton in the debris. "S..?" I say, putting the head into my lap after digging the rest of his body up. Blood from my hands covered his face, and his eyesockets were closed. Hopefully he isn't dead? Right? He can't be dead.. Right..?

He doesn't give a response.
I cry. I sob. I call for help. But I don't think anybody can hear me in the middle of the night. "Nobody came.." I say to myself, very, very quietly. I lean down and lightly kiss his skeletal teath. "Rest in peace if you are.." A few of my tears land on his head and stream down his own face.
I closed my eyes for a moment, and when I opened them a blue soul floats right in front of my face. What..? Is this my soul..? Or his..? Another blink later and a green soul appeared. They circled each other and the green soul sunk into my chest, the blue into S'. "S?" I asked and he opened his eyes after coughing. I was suddenly filled with joy as I watched him sit up. "S! Oh, thank goodness!" I hugged him. I'm just so glad he's okay.
"missy..? what? i thought you ran off," he said confusingly as he hugged back with one arm.
"I came back after... After the building collapsed. I thought you died!" I looked up, staring into his eyes.
"Don't worry, something like that won't harm me," he smiles.
"I'm glad," I say. All of this adrenaline finally had escaped from me, making me pass out in his arms.

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