Act 2: My Shot

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Song: My Shot from the musical, Hamilton
(because I'm Hamiltrash and idk I like the empowerment)


Castiel had gotten up bright and early that Saturday morning, his stomach churning. It was a habit of his to get extremely nervous before an audition, no matter what it was for. But then a text from Dean reminded him that he would be seeing him again, and it slightly lightened the load.

He walked downtown from his apartment to the Eden Theatre and walked inside, signing in as one of those who had signed up for an audition. He strolled into the auditorium, his script clutched between his trembling fingers, and heard his name called out. For a split second, he thought it was because it was his turn to go. But he soon realized that it belonged to the dark haired, green eyed boy sitting in the front row of the auditorium.

"Hello, Dean," smiled Castiel, sitting down next to his friend as calmly as he could.

He was sitting alone, and pushed his phone into his back pocket. "Are you nervous?" Dean asked, as if sensing Castiel's overwhelming anxiety.

His blue eyes darted around, glancing at all of the other people who seemed more experienced and less nervous than he did. "W-What makes you say that?"

Dean grinned brightly at Castiel, his eyes sparkling from the lights in the auditorium. "You're stuttering a bit and you're a lot paler than before."

He nodded, hoping that color would return to his face before he went into the audition. Castiel's heart skipped a beat as he realized that Dean had a mental note of his normalities. "You don't seem all that nervous," he murmured, adjusting himself in the red cushioning of the seat.

Dean simply shrugged, skimming over the lines typed up for him on his sheet. "I am. I just don't show it all that much." Castiel nodded in reply, resting his arms on the chair and shutting his eyes, taking deep breaths to calm himself down. His eyes flickered open in surprise as he felt Dean's warm hand on his. "I know you can do it, Cas."

If this was supposed to make him stutter less, it wasn't working. Castiel's thoughts were muddled and he couldn't think straight as he peered down at their hands. "Thank you," he finally said. "I think you'll do well too." Just as he smiled softly, Dean's name was called.

His green eyes flickered away from Castiel as he stood up, his fingers leaving his. He sighed a little as he waved in his direction. "Break a leg," called Castiel, and Dean flashed an inexplicable wink in his direction before leaving the room.

Now that he was alone, all he had was his muddled and nervous thoughts. He read over his lines to the point where he felt as though he had it memorized, but he still wasn't planning to take the chance. Minutes passed, and Castiel's name was called. He anxiously rose from his chair and his feet were carrying the weight of two anchors as he walked out. As he did, however, Dean was walking out.

His friend clapped him on the back, leaning into him and whispering, "I believe in you, Cas." A soft smile graced his face and he was gone. Castiel took a deep breath before walking into the room with the directors of the play.

The audition itself was a blur, Castiel simply following their instructions and reading off his lines with as much emotion as he could muster. The thing was, he didn't have to try too hard. While he got anxious before acting, it was still his life, and he wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. Before he knew it, the audition was over, and the directors smiled at him and etched something on their clipboard as he exited.

Now all that he had to do was wait for an hour to hear their decision on who to take in for the play. That Saturday was the last allocated day to audition, so he was planning to stay there to see the results. Dean was sitting in his seat from before, and Castiel came over, folding up the roughened up script with Dean's phone number on it as he did.

"How do you think you did?" Dean questioned concernedly, getting up from his chair.

He shrugged casually, his blue eyes glinting in the light. "With your overwhelming belief in me, I think I did alright." Dean laughed loudly, and before Castiel could fathom it, his arms were wrapped around his body.

"I knew you could do it," he whispered against him, his warmth radiating into Castiel's senses and numbing him out. He closed his eyes and hugged him back, but the moment passed without a word.

They sat there for the hour, talking to each other and laughing and Castiel never wanted to leave. He felt as though he could live in that moment forever if he could choose to. All of the people in the auditorium fell silent, however, once the directors of the play came out and posted a small sheet of paper on the door, announcing that rehearsals would begin the week later.

Castiel stood up nervously, and Dean casually held his hand and pulled him up to the sheet where everyone else was crowding around. They had to do a bit of nudging, but eventually, they saw the roles they were set to play. He had gotten the role of Mercutio, kinsman of the Prince and Romeo's friend. Castiel let out a sigh of relief as he backed away to give others some space to look. He wasn't the main character, but he had enough lines to hold his own. He liked those kind of roles.

He waited patiently for Dean away from the rest of the group, and once he finally came over he had a disbelieving look on his face. "What role did you get?" Castiel asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. Dean opened his mouth, as if to speak, but didn't utter a single word. Taking a deep breath, Castiel stepped forward, gently taking Dean's hand. "Dean, are you alright? What role did you get?"

"I... I'm supposed to play Romeo," he admitted with a disbelieving laugh. "That's crazy."

Castiel's eyes sparkled as his mouth widened into a bright smile. "That's great! You got the lead role!" He felt daring enough to hug Dean, and they held each other as they stood at the entrance of the Eden Theatre, the sun slowly beginning to set behind them.

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