chapter 27

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Chapter 27

I want to dedicate this chapter to @Steffycat I really like her story Darkness meets light <3


Zayn P.O.V

''God! I love Italian food'' Louis exclaimed taking another bit of the steak

We were at Louis's apartment waiting for Liam , he told us he has a big news.

''This food tastes great I wish Emily can cook like this'' I chuckled

''Yeh I remember when you invited us and Emily was cooking and ended up Amy vomiting'' Louis giggled

''Hey You're talking about my girlfriend! and anyway it wasn't that bad'' I rolled my eyes

''Really!'' Louis raised his eyebrow

''Guys! I've big news!'' Liam whooped from behind us

''How did you get in here?'' Louis whined

''Stop whining'' He sat on the table ''Prepare to hear the big news'' He waved his hands in excitement

''If it's not about manchester united winning I don't wanna hear'' Louis jogged towards the couch taking his drink with him

''Sorry man I got to answer this'' I told Liam as Emily was calling

I went to the porch ''Hey baby'' She said

''I miss you''

''I miss you too'' I can hear her grin on the other side 



She chuckled ''My new boss his son his dead so I've to go to the funeral you know..''

''I can drive you there'' I respond quickly

''Really! That's will be great! It wont take minutes...I'll just offer condolences and go'' She replied quickly

''When the funeral?'' I asked her

''After tomorrow''

''Okay I'll call you later'' I heard Liam yelling ''Sorry I'll call you later seems Louis pissed off Liam''

She giggled ''Okay , bye , love you''

''Love you too , bye''

I ran towards Louis who was apparently teasing Liam about something

''Hey Hey guys guys'' No one of them responds ''Guys'' I shouted this time ''Grow up''

''He's irritating'' Liam exclaimed

''I was having fun'' Louis shrugged

''Shut up'' 

''No you shut up''

''Both of you shut up'' I told them

I looked at Liam ''What's the big news?''


Me and Louis gasped ''congratulations lad'' We both exclaimed

''Thanks'' The smiled never left Liam's face

I'm happy for them , they love each other , they deseve happiness. Liam told us that she's in first month , we 're the first to know beside their parents.



''Dude! It's the name of the werewolf in a movie'' Louis groaned

''Twilight'' Liam corrected

We both looked at him

''What?'' He shrugged ''Amy loves those movies''

We were sitting trying to find a name. Boredom do a lot of things.......

''What make you sure that it will be a boy?'' Louis asked confused

''Louis has a good point here'' I agrred with Louis

''I depend on sense of fathering'' Liam told us



''You wont uderstand now'' Liam chuckled ''hey what about Jordan?''

''Dude ! it's like jordan sparks'' Louis groaned

''Ryan'' I suggested

''I like it'' Liam grinned

''What Amy suggest anyway?'' Louis was sitting oppsite to any normal person sits , his leg was on the couch and his head was landing on the ground

''She likes Caleb name''

''It's cool to'' I agree with her choice also

''What Emily wanted from you?'' Louis asked

''She has a funeral''

''What'' They exclaimed

''No No No I mean her boss' son is dead'' I respond quickly 

''Ohhh too bad'' Liam murmured

''Hey think how you will deal with Amy's coming Pregnancy symptoms'' I chuckled

''Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh'' He sighed ''She was watching yesterday letters to juliet and cried'' He groaned

''All the womens cry in those movies , I don't know why'' Louis shrugged in puzzled/confusion

''Don't forget she'll vomit probably every morning'' We teased Liam

''uhhhhhhhhhhhh oh man'' Liam groaned

''For her you'll do anything'' I remembered Liam

''Yes for her I'll do anything'' Liam smiled

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