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Alyn, the young prince, giggled at the puffs of his breath in the frigid October air. He felt his body get even colder, and instantly clung to his mother.

"Oh, Alyn. I must greet the guests now. Please let go, darling." His mother sent him a look that Alyn couldn't say no to. Pouting, he separated himself from his mother and wandered elsewhere.

His eyes were wide when he looked at the pond which was now freezing cold. He mischievously swiped at the water cautiously, feeling his fingertips brush the water slightly. After a second, he withdrew, watching the clear water drip back into the pond.

He looked around before he carefully placed his whole hand into the water. He shivered at the cold, but stuck his other hand in. His eyes became wide after he noticed his sleeves were now soaking up the water. He tried squeezing the water out of the silk shirt to no avail. Alyn groaned, and decided to just leave it alone.

"Alyn, your highness, where are you?"

Alyn looked up to find one of the soldiers, Lucas, jogging over to him. He took one glance at Alyn's sleeve and the pond to know what happened. He picked the child up off of the ground, and stared right into his glassy, hazel eyes.

"Your highness's party has started already, but I suggest that your highness quickly shower and change."

Alyn nodded. "Lucas, can you please take me to my room?"

"Of course, your highness. Would you prefer I carry you..?"

Alyn giggled, grabbing Lucas's sleeve. "Carry me of course, silly."

Lucas nodded, smiling at the young boy's gesture. He lifted him up gently, careful not to hurt the precious child. Lucas made his way to the back of the palace, where the other guards were. They let him through after learning who he was, though.

Lucas grinned cheekily. "Happy birthday, Prince Alyn." The chestnut haired prince hugged Lucas in an awkward way, but the older boy found it endearing anyways.

After reaching the room, Lucas carefully let Alyn jump onto the ground. He waved goodbye, and left without another word.


Alyn's eyes widened in fear and excitement. He jerked around, glancing around attentively. All he saw was his room. There were velvet love seats, a crystal chandelier, grand piano in the corner, and cold trimmed walls. That was only scratching the surface though.

Alyn gulped, and picked out a fresh outfit. He grabbed a blue silk shirt, with matching black pants. He lazily grabbed a tie that matched his cleans pants.

Taking one more look around, he opened the bathroom door.

"ACK!-" His mouth was covered hastily, shining knife to his neck. He tried turning his head, but the grip on his shoulders were too great.

"If you mutter a single sound, I'll make this even more painful than it has to be, okay?"

Alyn nodded, panic filling his every thought. He gulped, and squeezed his eyes shut. After a few seconds, adrenaline suddenly coursed through his veins.

"You'd kill-" He was cut off.

"Shut up. Didn't you hear me?"

Alyn swallowed his fear whole. "You'd kill a child? On his tenth birthday?"

The man hesitated, and Alyn felt the grip loosen just enough for him to turn to see his captor.

He wasn't anything like Alyn pictured. He wasn't super ripped, and he certainly didn't have any piercings or tattoos. He had light red hair, and emerald green eyes. He was tall and lean, freckles dusting his pale face.

"I'm an assassin."

"I'm ten."

"So what?"

He glared daggers at the young boy, but made no move to restrict him when Alyn shook his weak grip off.

"Train me. Become a soldier here, teach me how to fight, and then you can fairly try to beat me." Alyn stared into his captors eyes.

"Kid, who do you-"

"You're just going to kill me on my tenth birthday? That's unfair." The man's eyes widened just a little, but Alyn caught it.

"Become my bodyguard and train me. Help me become someone worthy of beating... Killing."

There was complete silence for a minute. Alyn grit his teeth in anticipation. Surprisingly, the sound of metal clanging against the marble floor reverberated throughout the bathroom. Alyn looked up at the now smirking man.

"My name is Saro, and I wish to become a guard, your highness."

Kill Me : Six Years Until I DieWhere stories live. Discover now