Everyone is added to the group
Writerkid- HEEY
SavingSB- 'sup
Writerkid- not much i'm bored
FlawlessQueen- Then do something
Writerkid- But what
Bookfreak- What about you read a book?
Writerkid- I've already read a lot for school Xd
MrDarkness- Henry want to do something with your grandpa?
FlawlessQueen- NO
Writerkid- Um i'm not in the mood for darkness grandpa
Mrlocksley- What do you wanna do then. You stepdad is here!
Writerkid- Ummm
Snowfun- Make homework
Thecharmest- ??
Writerkid- IEEK no I wont and I already finished that
Snowfun- Good boy
Hotleatherpirate- You other stepdad is here to save you Henry
FlawlessQueen- Like you have anything to do for Henry. You gonna show him how to wear guy liner?
SavingSB- HEY!? Offended
Hotleatherpirate- Actually I might have an idea
Writerkid- You do?
MrDarkness- Really...
Thecharmest- O god
FlawlessQueen- Here we go..
SavingSB- Im so proud of you babe
Hotleatherpirate *blush
Thecharmest- UFG
Writerkid- SHht what is it Hook?
FlawlessQueen- Yes Hook what is it
Hotleatherpirate- Disney..
Writerkid- What
Hotleatherpirate- Watch Disney
Writerkid- ...
Writerkid- That... is the... BEST IDEA EVER !!!
FlawlessQueen- WHAT
Mrlocksley- Help..
Hotleatherpirate- *more blush
Thecharmest- *More puke
Snowfun- That is a great idea! What about Snow white
Thecharmest- That's a great movie and there is this beautiful prince there
Snowfun- AHUM
Thecharmest- But an even more beautiful princes
Writerkid- Noo I watched that one to much and it's not what i'm looking for
Snowfun- :(
Thecharmest- My grandson..
Snowfun- Charming let's watch together then
Thecharmest- On my way Hunney
Snowfun and Thecharmest left the group
FlawlessQueen- Why not Snow white Henry I am in there.. Why is it even called Snow white i'm way more important without me there wouldn't be any snow at all be glad I saved her and not just let her die on that stupid horse. OFFEND
Mrlocksley- Easy you did the right thing there. Henry watch Robin Hood.
Writerkid- Did you watch it?
Mrlocksley- No but Regina told me about it..
Writerkid- You're a fox..
Mrlocksley- So?
Writerkid- So.. no
Mrlocksley- OFFENDED
FlawlessQueen- Come on let's watch Robin Hood :)
Mrlocksley- Key apple pie
FlawlessQueen and Mrlocksley left the group
SavingSB- Did he just call her apple pie
Hotleatherpirate- Jupp
MrDarkness- Henry why don't you watch Beauty and the beast that's the best movie ever its to good for this world I think we should move it to another planet!
Bookfreak- Isn't that a bit too far.. But Henry totally.. Watch it
Writerkid- Umm
Bookfreak- NOO Henry dont hesitate it's good for real
Greenpistachio- It's a disgusting movie don't watch it Henry. Watch the wizard of Oz
Writerkid- No I won't watch Beauty and the beast because that movie makes you look good... And no I don't want to watch The wizard of Oz because I don't like green witches and AGAIN it's not what i'm looking for!
Greenpistachio- OFFENDED. Well then I will let my green bean watch it
Greenpistachio left the group
MrDarkness- That movie doesn't make me look good it makes me look horrible. Im not an actual beast just a little nickname
Writerkid- I don't care
Bookfreak- Rumple let's watch it
MrDarkness- On it
Bookfreak and MrDarkness left the group
SavingSB- Were that all of them?
Hotleatherpirate- I guess so
Writerkid- I still don't have a Disney movie to watch
SavingSB- Well now that everyone is watching their movie we decided we wanted to watch it too
Hotleatherpirate- Im not mentally prepared to see myself
SavingSB- Care to join us for Peter Pan?
Writerkid- Peter Pan..? YES THAT'S WHAT I WANNA WATCH
Hotleatherpirate- Im still scared
SavingSB- I'll hold you babe
Hotleatherpirate- Okay then
Writerkid- ON MY WAY
Writerkid left the group
SavingSB- Proud girlfriend <3
Hotleatherpirate- Happy boyfriend
SavingSB- *kisses
Hotleatherpirate- *kisses back
SavingSB- Blush
Hotleatherpirate- Let's do that again but then in real
SavingSB- ON IT
SavingSB and Hotleatherpirate left the group