Chapter 1: Let's Make A Plan

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Aiden's POV

I headed to the school with my regular jeans and T-shirt. Well, as regular as they get. As I walked through the building I saw my best friend Ethan standing at my locker.

"Hey, Ethan." I greeted him, smiling once I was in front of him.

"Hey, Aiden." He replied when he saw me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing really, I just finished getting my stuff from my locker so I thought I would come over." He explained. "I have nothing else to do."

I rolled my eyes at his statement as he laughed at his own joke.

"OK then, way to make a guy feel special." I joked back.

I turned to my locker and grabbed my books for the first period while Ethan told me about all the interesting things he had heard the day before.

"Hey look it's Scarlett." He suddenly said in the middle of a sentence. I wasn't completely paying attention to what he said, only half listening really, and everything registered in my mind late. But when I finally processed his words I tensed up.

"What?" I turn towards the main door to see Scarlett Hale walking into school, today she looks beautiful as always.

Her black high waisted pants went over her white tank top with her red crop top hanging over the top, she had her leather jacket on giving her whole outfit even more of a retro feel. She wore her high tops today instead of the high heels that most of the nicely dressed girls in our school wear, her hair was curled and put back in soft waves, her dark almost black eyes beamed confidence as she walked down the hallway.

"She looks amazing." I said with a sigh. Watching her with a dazed expression.

"You say that every day." Ethan added teasingly.

"Because she looks amazing every day." I retorted.

And I was being honest she looked amazing, now I just have to talk to her.

I sucked in a large breath, shaking out my hands and pulling my head to both sides, loosening up.

OK, I can do this. Just say hi.

"Hey, Scarlett!"

Arrgh!...why did I say it like that?! I am too enthusiastic.

"Oh hey, you're Aiden aren't you?" She smiled, stopping in her path and coming up to talk to me.


And she knows my name!

"Yeah." I said, struggling to keep up my confident facade.

"I remember you, from the first day, you were on the swing." She told me, her eyes light up with the memory.

"Yeah," I said excitedly. "I'm surprised you remember." I rubbed the back of my neck, suddenly feeling bashful.

"Of course!" She grinned, looking absolutely adorable. "Wait, you still have your diamond right?"

"I would never forget it." I told her honestly.

"That's great, so what's up?" She asked.

Shit! I never thought of anything after hey! What do I do?


"Ummm?" She questioned, chuckling awkwardly. "I don't know what that means."

I cringed in my head, my fingers crossing and threading together like crazy while my mind struggled to come up with anything.

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