Destiel Oneshot

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It was castiel's first Halloween with the Winchesters. He was no longer an angel so I didn't have to worry about other Angel crap . "Dean I would like to go trick or treating, I heard it was fun" Castiel Asked Dean, smiling widely. The hunter rolled his eyes "C'mon man. We're way too old for that don't you think?" Dean stated. Castiels lip started to quiver, his beautiful blue eyes started to water. Dean groaned loudly "fine cas, we can take you trick or treating." The ex angels face instantly lit up "Great!" He exclaimed "you can pick out my costume!" He smiled widely again before happily skipping away. Dean rolled his eyes, he sighed and drove to the nearest costume store, as he was looking around, he spotted it. 'Slutty bee costume'. He bought it ams went home, a huge smirk on his face as he walked in. "Cas, I got you your friggin costume, now hurry up and change so we can go!" . Castiel Ran over, quickly taking his costume and running back. When he returned he was blushig hard "Dean.."  He said, but Dean ignored the man, he was already taking pictures on his phone, his face red from laughing . "deeeeeeeaaaaaaannnnnn" Castiel whined, finally earned a response from Dean "What Cas?"...
"Dean, this is highly inappropriate!"

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