Chapter 3

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Both pov:
Matt: It was finally the day that I was going to be taking Jennan out. I am so excited.
Jennan: I can't wait till Matt picks me up. I hope that he likes me like I do. This is the first guy that I really like.
Matt: Its time to do this. Let's go pick up Jennan.
"Hey Jennan are you ready?"
"Yeah let me just grab my purse."
Matt: When we got to the restaurant we are and we both bonded and we were really like we were falling in love. It was like love at first sight.
Jennan: I wonder if Matt is going to pull anything on me?
Matt: When we got done eating we went down to the beach and sat there watching the sun set.
Jennan: That sunset was beautiful.
"I'm glad that I came here now because if I didn't I wouldn't of got to meet you."
"I'm glad that y'all came too!"
  Jennan: When Matt was about to take me back to the beach house he started to lean in and then he kissed me on the lips.
Matt: I can't believe what I just did. I just kissed her on the lips and it was our third day together. I think.
"Was that ok that I did that?"
" Yeah that was fine."
"Sorry to break your heart but I'm leaving tomorrow."
" I am too. I am at like 10:00 in the morning. What about you?"
"I'm leaving at the same time."
"I'll see you in the morning"
"I'll see you in the morning too...I love you."
"I love you to."

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