The first day

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    I hate this. At my old school we were free to wear what we want. This feels wrong. Uniforms are made to keep everyone looking modest but this skirt is too high. No, actually it's a normal length skirt I just have ridiculously long legs. I could buy a bigger skirt but then it would fall down. I look like I'm on my way to a porn shoot.  The button up too. God nothing ever works with my body. The button over my breast is about to pop off but if I get it any bigger it will be so loose you could just as easily see in between the buttons as you can right now. Whatever I can't be late for the first day. The last thing I want is to walk in late and have all eyes on me. Who am I kidding I'm the new girl and that means all eyes on me for the next month.
    Although in the dress code it says I can't wear makeup I look like I'm 11 instead of 17. I'll just use a very light amount. Come concealer for the bags underneath my eyes clearing showing signs of how my life is going. Oh good now I look 7 years old. Great. Fun. Some mascara, blush, and light pink chapstick later I look decent but I honestly can not leave this house without eyeliner. It will be so obvious but it pulls my whole face together. I look naked without it. Screw it. It's my first day. I'm the one who had to uproot my life. Try and make me take it off I triple dog dare you.
   I look in the mirror with a sigh... the eyeliner is my only form of expressed identity. I clip my lower back length brown hair up and almost cry. I used to have a beautiful ice blue on the bottom tips and I was forced to dye it back to its normal color for this school. I'm very unsure of why I'm going into this school I'm sure there are some great public schools around. Ever since my father married a rich women I have to act like a rich child. But I'm not. I'm a rich step child. I would have stayed with my mom but she's struggled with all the things no one should never struggle with especially when they have children. My dad is a wonderful man but he never planned to lose my mom to such demons so he has struggled to financially keeps us afloat. At first I thought he was marrying this women for her money but that's not my dad. She's actually a really nice lady but I'm not a very good person to her. I wish I was. I originally was mean to her because I figured she was trying to replace my mom with evil step mother plans. But she is nothing like that. Now I'm just so used to snapping at her I can't stop. I hear her crying about it to my dad sometimes and my dad always scolds me. I feel so bad because she genuinely cares. Or at least I thought she did until she decided to send me to a school where I have absolutely no freedom to show who I am. I need to stop bitching about this; it's happening. Lucia Leela Boba get yourself together.
"Lu?" My dad called from downstairs.
"Yes dad I know I know I'm ready I just can't find one of my school shoes!!"
"It's down here honey."
Rascal. That's our dogs name. The first thing to know about rascal is that he likes to steal shoes. The second thing to know is that he is the cutest and fluffiest dog ever. He's a brown and white husky with one bright blue eye and one dark brown eye. The third thing to know is that if your feet are ever cold in bed nothing in the world is better then Rascal. He sleeps with me every night. I also have a pink and white corn snake named Linda but she's antisocial.
  I descend the staircase silently hoping I'll slip and break my back so I won't have to go. After safely making it to the first floor I grab my shoe from underneath the dining room table and hop my way to the kitchen while trying to put it on.
"Here's your toast." My dad hands me raisin toast with butter on it. My stomach hurts too much to eat it but if I don't take at least one bite my dad will throw a fit.
"Thanks dad. I'm getting in the car."
  The drive there was agonizing. Through our new neighbor hood gigantic houses with perfect lawns towered over the car establishing greatness. These are houses people buy when they want you to know how rich they are. Not like the MTV cribs but as big as a rich suburban house can be without having to be hidden because that would defeat the point of others knowing your wealth. Rascal whines in the back.
"It's okay buddy. I'll be home soon. Half dead... but home." I reach back to pat him on the head as we pull into the parking lot of the school. You have to be fucking kidding.
"Will I be practicing witchcraft and wizardry or???" I ask my dad.
"Honestly better be with all the money we are paying."
  I kiss my dad on the cheek and give Rascal a small wave as I step out of the car. I could sit here and explain the extravagance of the building, the cars pulling up, and the students but that would require intense observation and I can't look up from my feet right now. I shuffle my way into the school building. I will get lost I can already tell. By some miracle I find my way to the office. They assign a girl to help show me to my locker and how to get to my classes before the day starts. Her name is Rena.
"Hi my name is Rena Tebisa it's very nice to meet you!" She holds out her hand for me to shake. She is very pretty. She has really beautiful dark skin and extremely curly hair the curls around her shoulders. Her huge brown eyes squint with happiness and there is not one flaw to her. She is a couple inches taller then me which is very comforting because I used to be be awkwardly tall at my school. Her personality shines through her uniform.. she looks so elegant. I realize I've been silent and speak up.
"Hi my name is Lucia but you can call me Lu. It's nice to meet you too."
"Let me show you to your locker Lu."
She leads me down huge hallways both in height and width. Students everywhere pushing past each other to get to their friends. So many people say hi to Rena as we pass. She must be popular. She helps me open my locker and explains to me where all my class will be while pointing in directions. As helpful as she was trying to be I was going to forget.
"Oh we have 6th period lunch together and 9th period math!"
"Oh thank god." I was so relieved to at least know one person in lunch. Assuming she likes me enough to sit with me.
"Our first period classes are right next to each other so I'll walk you there." We were really starting to get to know each other. By the time we reached our classes we were laughing like old friends.
"Hey Lu, you should totally sit at my table in lunch."
"Thank you that would be great. I'm glad you got assigned to show me around."
"Haha me too. And have you ever played volleyball?" She asked stepping toward me.
"No. why?" I questioned. She has a devilish look in her eye.
"You have the body for it. I'm caption of the school team and one of our girls broke her ankle doing gymnastics.. maybe you should try it out. If you are any good I'll put you on the team."
"That sounds fun when is it?"
"Tomorrow after school. I'll give you my number in lunch. Okay I have to go!"
"Bye thanks again!" I yell before ducking into my class room.
  All my classes were good and the teachers were nice. A lot of people looked at me and some asked my name but I never made any friends with anyone as quickly as I did with Rena. At lunch I got her number and really hit it off with some of her friends who were also on the volleyball team. Now it was time for 9th period. Finally the last period of the day. I walk into the class room and spotted Rena. She patted the seat next to her and I quickly sat down. All the students were in the room but the teacher wasn't there yet.
"Okay heads up this teacher has a temper. He looks like a god but he gets angry quick. Never miss a homework or annoy him he doesn't have patience like the rest of the teachers. Like don't even tap your pen." She informed me.
"Thank you for telling me." I sat facing forwards waiting for a grumpy man to walk in the room. What did she mean by he looks like a god? He just walked in. Oh. Oh god. Literally what a god. She wasn't kidding. He walks swiftly with one hand in his packet and the other holding the strap of his bag on his shoulder. His glasses sit on his nose and his shoulder length curly hair flows in the breeze. Jesus who is this guy.
"Hello Miss Boba I'm Mr. Styles." His piercing green eyes land on me and for a split second I think I see them widen.
"Stay after class." He said harshly. What have I don't now? Already? I glance over at Rena but she just shakes her head and shrugs. Great. After the class I am completely lost but I made sure not to look as lost as I was for the sake of keeping him from flipping a desk. Which I hear he has done.
"Mr. Styles have I done something wrong?" I fiddle with my fingers and look down.
"Look up at me when we speak."he demanded. My head snapped up immediately. I already felt tears in my eyes. Why was he being so mean already?
"What is going on with your outfit? That skirt is too short." He looked over every inch on my body lingering on where the hem of my skirt stopped on my upper thigh. His full pink lips part a bit but then come together harshly.
"And I see makeup. Strictly no makeup, do you listen?" He said harshly.
"I'm sorry sir." I whimpered.
"Sir?" He said this with such a sneer in his tone It sounded snake like. Maybe he would like Linda.
"Um." I shook all over now. He licked his lips and glanced down my body again.
"Turn around." He said sharply making a spinning motion with is finger. I spun and stood with my back facing him.
"Bend over and out your forearms on the desk. Keep your back straight."
"W-what?" I stutter. He can't possibly be asking that. My face gets red and a tear threatens to escape.
"Do it now!" He yelled smashing his hand down on his desk as he said now. I quickly did without thinking. My whole Bum was exposed including my red panties.
"S-sir? Can I stand now?" I beg.
I feel him come up close behind me and groan. The heat of his hand is felt on my inner thigh without him touching me yet. I stand up quickly and grab my bag.
"Did I say I was done?" He called after me but I had already run out of the room. What just happened? Am I safe here? Should I tell my dad? I can't. He is finally happy here and has taken so much pride in sending me to a good school I can't put this on his shoulders. I run out of my building and see him parked in front with Rascal leaning out of the window. I open the car door with a shaky hand and throw on a smile as I sit down.
"Hey dad." I say with a preppy tone.
"Hey hun how was your first day?" I hesitated and decided I really couldn't say anything about it.
"It was good! I made some friends already and got asked to be try out the volley ball team. They lost a girl and need someone so tomorrow I need to stay after."
"Oh Lu that's great! I'm so glad you like it I knew you would." He has the most proud dad face I've ever seen. I really love my dad. He starts up the car and I look back up at the doors of the school. There he was. Staring down at me from the top of the steps with a smirk on his face. I reach back and pet Rascal. This dog will rip your leg off if you touch me perv. He runs his hand through his hair as we pull away and walks back inside.
  What am I getting into?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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