Chapter twenty-two

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I bet you guys are getting really upset about me not updating and I'm sorry. I've been busy between school and 2 proms and next week is finals. So once I get out of school I will hopefully be updating more often.

So let's just do a QOTD and go into the chapter.

QOTD: if you went to prom what color was your dress?

My answer: my first dress was royal blue and my second dress was black (⬆️pictures above⬆️)

So here is;

Stepping out


So here I stand in the dark. On her porch. I came to confront her. I drove 2 1/2 hours just to. "You don't have to do this" Bailey says in my ear.

"But I have to" I say.

"No you don't you could use leave it alone" he says.

"But if I don't then it will bug me and ruin me" I say.

He takes my hand in his. "Okay I'm right here with you" he says.

I reach up and ring the doorbell. I hear ruffling, After what seems like forever. The door opens, revealing a little girl. "Can I help you" she ask?

"Um is your mommy home" I ask?

About a few weeks after I left my mom got pregnant from an guy. This must be the baby. "Addy I told you no answering the door" a husky voice says.

Some muscular man walks in front and looks at us. "Can I help you" he ask me?

"I'm here for Savannah Hamilton" I say.

"Just come in. She will be home soon" he lets us.

I walk in and take a seat. With Bailey following behind me. We take a seat and Bailey grabs my hand and holds it. "You must be Rilen" The man says "your mom talks about you all the time, she shows me pictures of you all the time."

I think his name is Jack or something like that. Whatever.  But Jack was lying. I highly doubt my mom was talking about me. I glance around to see no photos of me. I giggle. I hear a car door close and keys rattling on the other side of this door. "Honnnney" a high pitch annoying voice sings.

She trots in the room like some happy fairy. Walks over to Jack and kisses his face. He looks over our way the whole time causing her to look over too. She stops at me and then looks at Bailey. She gets a disgusted look on her face. "OMG Rilen I've missed you so much. I almost didn't recognize you" she comes over and try's to hug me.

"We need to talk" I confess.

"It's 'can we talk.' See my therapist told me it's better to ask. You May get a better response" she says.

My lips form up. "Okay can we talk" I say not wanting to even fight with her.

She takes my hand and leads me to the front table. I pull my hand away from hers. "So I went to the doctor today" I say.

"Omg your pregnant. Is that the dad in there"'she cut me off, "I knew this would happen soon. Is it-"

"No I'm not pregnant.." I say rolling my eyes.

"Then what is wrong" she ask?

Do I want to tell her? Should I confront her? How is this going to help me at all? Make me feel better about myself? I don't know what do to. So I just stay still and don't move nor speak. Having no clue what to do.


Soooo I was going to stop here and leave you with a cliff hanger but I'm not that mean,so here it continues

So I step out of my comfort zone. "When I was like 12 or so. You took me to the doctor" I began.

She put her head down. "I know where this is going" she frowns.

"See that's where you are wrong. Why would you do that to me? Why wouldn't you tell me? I deserved to know. And now a freshman in college, just now finding out so now I have to live life knowing this all and go through college" my eyes started to water up.

"If I would have told you. You would have not known what to do" she said.

"Are you stupid" that shocked her, "I was 12 years old starting to hit puberty. I think I could have handled that."

She just shook her head. "You don't understand."

"What don't I understand? Because to me it seems I understand everything perfectly fine. Maybe you're the one not understanding how you should have more of a better mom."

Her hand hits my cheek. I don't move my face.

I think I just crossed the line.

I stand up and walk over to Bailey. He stand up and walks to the door. I turn back and look at her. "Hey hopefully that slap didn't make you feel better. Your therapist wouldn't be too happy about that" I crack a smile.

"Grrrr get out of my house" she shouts causing Addy to cover her ears.

"Addy get used to it. She is a loud mouth" I say to her.

"Mommy. Loud mouth" she repeats.

I crack a chuckle as I leave.


I have no clue what day I will update next. Just have patience. Love you guys.


Don't forget to follow me to know when I'm update.

-Madddie out! 😘✌️

-Stay fresh

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