No I'm Marcel. HES Harry (Styles Brothers FanFic)

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“Wake up wanker,you’re going to make us late” Eddie said sharply as he pulled Marcel’s sheets cleanly off his bed. Marcel fumbled around,grabbing at his nightstand until his hands wrapped around his glasses. Eddie had already left the room and was bounding down the stairs where Marcel could hear Toby and Mum having a loud conversation. He could also make out a fuzzy version of Harry’s voice,which meant he was Skyping Mum from California. Marcel shook his head as his mother shouted things such as “Aw baby we miss you so much! How’s Lexi? Be good to that girl and don’t be stupid like your brothers” That , of course, was in reference to Eddie and Toby. Marcel and Harry were the good ones, but Harry was gone so that left Marcel to keep up a good impression. He pulled on his favorite brown trousers and white button up, finishing the look with a red sweater vest.

“Ugh” he muttered as yet another one of his curls flopped into his face. Marcel couldn’t understand how Harry and Eddie could let their brown curly hair just dangle in their eyes all day. It would drive Marcel insane. At least Toby kept his cut short for football. And lacrosse. And rugby. Marcel didn’t understand that either. He would rather just sit at home and read a good book. Sighing,he grabbed his favorite hair gel and headed to the bathroom that joined his room and Toby’s. Toby had left the water running. Again. Marcel just shook his head and got to work on his unruly hair, combing it and gelling it until the part was just perfect. There. He smiled into the mirror and headed downstairs. His mum was dishing out a plate of eggs while Toby talked to Harry on the laptop and Eddie inhaled his bowl of cereal.

“Morning Mum.” Marcel said as he took his plate and kissed her cheek,sitting down at the counter next to Eddie. Eddie’s hair stuck up in a million different directions with a red streak falling into his green eyes. His lip ring clanged against his spoon as he noisily slurped up the last of the milk from his bowl. Tattoos stretched up his neck and down his arms and you could see his chest tattoo peeking out of his ripped Green Day tshirt. “You smell like smoke again. Mum’s going to kill you.” Marcel whispered

“You smell like a fag too.” Eddie muttered as he reached up and knocked Marcel’s glasses off his face and walked back up the stairs. Marcel flushed pink as he fixed his frames. His sexuality had become one of Eddie's favorite topics of discussion,especially in an argument. Marcel had come out at the end of sophomore year so now he was pegged as the nerdy GAY one instead of just the geek. Harry was very supportive and Toby was always too busy to care, but Eddie was,as per usual, a different story. He was never physically mean but he loved to slip in little comments and names. Marcel wasn't really bothered very much he was used to it. Mum just gave him an apologetic look because she gave up on trying to fight Eddie a long time ago.

"Hey Marcie! I see you bud! Come say hi to your favorite brother will you?" Harry chuckled from the computer screen. Rolling his eyes, Marcel walked over next to Toby and waved at the camera.

"Hey Haz. How's LA?" he said half heartedly. If Marcel was being totally honest, he would say that Harry was his favorite brother. They both sort of kept to themselves and they had intense passions. Harry would always go to the library with Marcel when he needed a new book to read and Marcel would always accompany Harry to the record store where Zayn worked so he could pick up his new vinyls. But ever since their youtube videos were discovered, Harry and his best friend Niall were in LA, a famous popstar/songwriting duo working with the likes of Ed Sheeran and Bruno Mars leaving Marcel behind and basically alone.

Harry could tell he was upset though "Marcie. I know things haven't been the same, but you still have Tobs and Eddie right?" Marcel smirked. Toby was always too preoccupied with Haley or team get-togethers and Eddie liked to call Marcel a fag every chance he got so no. Marcel didn't have them. But he shook his head anyway and smiled at Harry as brightly as he could,dimples and all

No I'm Marcel. HES Harry (Styles Brothers FanFic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt