Prologue 2

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A/N: Yes, I didn't make a mistake. There are two prologues. It will come more clear later. Sorry if I don't do something immediately right but I'm not original English so I can make mistakes, sorry.

The last 13 years, there were so many changes, that if nobody had written it down, no one could have kept up with them.

When in 2000 the army took over this place, there were two groups of people that escaped. Two groups op people that don't need to follow the ridiculous rules the army had made.

The army had 10 years of success running the United Kingdom. Before the rebellious managers took over the place. From than on it went better.

Until 2012.

In that year the rebellious managers broke up in two groups, the strongest one kept London, the weaker one took the south of England.

But the rebellious managers weren't the only group that escaped.

the second group is the called the escapers, they build a whole new town somewhere far in the woods. Sadly enough they still got one of the most ridiculous changes, they still got the Alpha/Omega/Beta vaccination. The scientist were ordered to make them, and they work.

The vaccination is to make the difference more noticeable between alphas and omegas.

Alphas are born leaders. Leaders of a pack, the term comes not for nothing from the werewolves.

No alphas aren't werewolves, they're human just like you and me. The thing they did got from their namesake is the legend that when a werewolf has sex, that they knot. They keep the omega into place to - what the most mean to do- get them pregnant. Also a knot is just like when you reach an orgasm but than just a lot longer. Besides that are alphas a lot more aggressive, in both sex and real life.

Omegas are the complete opposite of alphas. They're very submissive and you can easy tell them what to do and what not to do. They're also considered weak, cause they can't protect themselves.

A Beta is actually just like a human. Stronger than omegas and betas like to misuse that fact.

I now want to tell you a bit more about the group that went into the woods.

They went there right after the given vaccinations. The leaders from that 'pack' were the Tomlinson's. They knew the exact way to go and planned everything to the exact detail.

The Tomlinson's are still the leader of that group. Only it grew a lot.

From when the left, they were with 170 people. By now, 200 years later, it's a group of 400, that need to look out for the dangers that are closer to them than they think.

Also, there is coming a special event for the new leader, Louis Tomlinson, which is going to be a big event and it will come, when it's time to find his mate.

A/N okay any questions or stuff you don't understand, please tell me. And it's not going to be a cliché alpha/omega story like the ones on AO3, I want to give it my own twist. And maybe i'll change everything later, I don't know. I'll update the first chapter when I have 10 reads so have fun :) xx

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