Chapter 2

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So if you're still reading this then thank you so much!

Mr.Latira is my art class and is two doors down, you know it's an art class just by looking at the door. Ornate wood and metal make intricate designs. It's made of a light faded wood. I take a deep breath as I enter the class, the smell of ink, paper, and paints fill my nose and makes me smile.

I sit at a table in the back and look around. Like usual I get a table to myself. The floor is gray smooth stone and the walls are gray as well.

Mr.Latira always complains he got the blandest room in the school. So he took black, gold, silver, and bronze paint and did thick designs so the walls don't seem so bare. "Hello, class!" Mr.Latari is always very energetic and excited. But not in an annoying way. Even when it's cold and rainy like it is now. 

"It's a free day today. Do as you wish but try not to make to much of a mess." He pushes up his glasses and sits at his desk working on a personal piece. I instantly run over to the paper and paints. I get there before all the good brushes are gone thankfully. I choose a palette of watercolors.

I wander back to my table and work on transferring the messy sketch I made onto the new paper in clear dark lines using pens. But this time instead of cowering, the creature is walking. It's head forward, like its searching for something. Ears erect as if listening intently.

After a while, I am satisfied with the drawing. I start to paint, adding just hints of color at first. Keeping the body a light cream color and making the eyes blue and antlers brown. I make a rough brown line for the ground and make the background faded as to not distract from my creature, I draw faded dark green trees and a purple and black sky with stars freckling the twilight sky. I try my best to add shadows to give it depth but I think it just looks splotchy now, the colors running slightly. I used to much water I guess.

Mr.Latari is pacing the class now. He stops at my desk and I freeze while he looks at it. He nods and walks off, I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I sit and look at my picture for a while. I notice the black is slowly bleeding into the cream color of the body giving it a dark look. The eyes are still bright clear blue though. It's still beautiful, but it's more striking and mysterious now.

Mr.Latari comes back over, he now sports a red smear of paint on his face. I smirk and he cocks his head at me. He then looks at my picture and his eyebrows furrow. He starts to speak but I interrupt him "The colors bled into each other." I explain. He nods, "it still looks great though." He runs his hand through his hair, adding some paint to it unknowingly, then walks away. I take a tiny brush and start adding small details. I add more stars to the sky and I make the eye brighter with more details. I add my spindly signature to the bottom right as we are dismissed.

"Hey, Alexis? Want me to hang onto that so it can dry?"
"Sure, thank you." I smile as I hand it to him and go out the door.

Now time for my last class of the day. My classes alternate, each being two periods. My last period switches between astrology and survival skills. Today is survival with Mrs.Horentus. Lovely name, I know. But she's actually pretty cool.

I walk in the class and see she has the very large room sectioned off into four areas. I guess we will be rotating between stations today. I know what you're thinking, I have weird courses I know.

It looks like there is identification, fighting, making shelter, and hunting skills. I decide that I'll stay away from the fighting area since I already excel at it.

I head over to the identification corner. It consists mainly of books of animals and plants with some plants in pots to the side. I sit and begin flipping through a book on berries.
"What the he-" I hear a thud and my head whips to the side.

Looks like there is a small crowd around the fighting arena. I get up and sprint over. My eyes widen as I see the dark haired boy from Mr.Brooks class with a practice knife at his opponent's throat. Then I realize his opponent was the teacher. He beat the teacher. My jaw drops and I swear I can hear all the girls swoon over him.

I look around but when I look back in greeted by his emerald eyes staring into my own. My cheeks turn bright red as he doesn't break eye contact. He smirks before standing up and walking over to me.

I feel the girls glaring at me as he runs his hand through his perfect, fluffy, dark hair. I wonder if it's soft..... No, bad Lexi.

"So, did you read the note?"
My eyes fall to the ground. "Not yet... I was going to though. I swear I was."
He chuckles "it's ok, calm down. Here, how about you teach me about these plants since I'm utterly hopeless?" I smile.
"I can do that."

Lexi BlackWhere stories live. Discover now