Lily's Theory

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Jonas was in shock from what he had just laid his eyes on. Gabe had a frazzled look on his face as they permeated through the dark oak, red, apple trees. Jonas wandered around what he knew to be a community. If only his society shined under the luminous sun. Jonas stealthily approached a dwelling with Gabe secured in his arms. The sun started to peek through the leaves of the trees as the bright colour he remembered as yellow transitioned to oranges and pinks. Jonas decided to settle down near the dwellings under a tall tower of timber, stretching its branches with maroon coloured fruit hanging on the minor twigs.

As the sun rose above the dwellings, a ray hit Jonas' face causing his long, comfortable sleep to come to an end. Jonas decided to get up and observe what this community was. He realised that this society looked exactly the same, just with different streaks of what his brain had told him to think of, colours.

All of a sudden, he is startled as he hears a little girl scream, "Fiona! Come back!"

Then, a girl that seemed to be around Jonas' age attempted to camouflage behind a dwelling. She had bright red hair and suddenly, he recognised her. This girl saw Jonas and Gabe duck behind a tree with thrashing noises.

The little girl whispered, "Hey, who are you?"

Jonas replied, "My name is Jonas, I come from another community."

Jonas was astonished, he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

Gabe shouted, "Gay! Gay!"

Jonas and the girl giggled and Jonas continued, "And this is Gabe short for Gabriel."

The girl squealed, "He's so cute!"

Jonas questioned, "Wait, are you Fiona?"

The girl responded, "Yes, that's my name. Why don't you come into my house?" Jonas asked, "What's a house?"

Fiona answered, "Well, I think in your community they call it a dwelling." Finally, they trailed through an area that looked like a squared shape, then they entered Fiona's house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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