An Insight

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When I hear the word 'snow', I think of loneliness. It isn't that I don't appreciate building snowmen and playing with snowballs but the snow suppresses the living Earth beneath it and swallows all the life so that it alone sparkles and shines. The pure white covering the Earth is not as pure as it seems. The loneliness may be surrounded with laughter and cheers, still it strangles but never suffocates you, it's just there like a lump of snow, or rather ice, freezing the already cold, dark heart that pumps blood through our arteries and our functioning depends upon the very same blood.
Yet, at times, like warm, soft sunshine, love somehow manages to melt the hearts and soften them enough to be moulded into desired shapes and bring back the life which once thrived. But once you have experienced the sunshine, you can no longer live without it. And love, like sun wouldn't shine and provide light and life just for you. It's free - even though it shouldn't be. Perhaps, I am being narcissistic, but I assure you that this is all I can think of without letting that innocence die. Even if that ray of sunshine wasn't solely meant for you, still you receive and cherish it. Your addiction to the warmth is so strong, so intense that you want to keep it solely to yourself and you no longer can bear to let someone enjoy the warmth even from a distance. The source of warmth is far away but you can feel the presence. No doubt, you can't help wondering that you receive the warmth because the sun wants you to. No doubt that the feeling is not one-sided. No doubt, the son does it on purpose. Amidst all these cleared up doubts still a doubt remains, 'Am I sure I have cleated all the doubts without leaving a single factor in doubts?'
The knowledge that you may be receiving the warmth because it is simply the duty of the sun is painful but you overcome it thinking that the sun won't shine so tenderly upon you if it was just his duty. But, the most desperate feeling is that the sun won't shine upon you forever, either you'll leave it or it'll be lost forever and that will be the end of your world. Whatever be the case, the fact that stands out tall is , you will no longer live the instant you separate. You may exist but you won't be living as the heart will be cold and freeze again because the warmth which melts it will be gone, forever. And if, and only if, heaven exists for me, I wish I can receive the warmth again.

But you should be remembering that fairytale endings happen only in fairy tales and the world is real enough to not be a fairy tale but this doesn't suppress the fact that fantasies exist. Moreover, fairy tales and fantasies are entirely two different ends of horizon. Fairy tales are based on fantasies but fantasies are the desires that keep us living amidst all the evil even if the desires aren't realised before the end. Not realising our dreams doesn't mean we'll stop dreaming. If you take a closer look, you'll know that people cherish so many dreams but most of them are never realised. Still, those dreams take the form of hopes and life is what hopes make it.

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