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~there are three chapters in life: to be born, to live and to die.

~life is just so easy, you are just making it so complicated

~life is too short to be sad

~life is indeed fun, you are just focused to something which makes you feel sad

~life is not about finding yourself it is all about, creating yourself

~life is not a problem to be solve but a reality to be faced

~life is a challenge, but it is up to you how to make it easier

~you should be happy and live life to the fullest

~your life is not everlasting, go out, discover and enjoy it..

~life is a dream for the wise, game for a full,
Comedy for the rich,
and tragedy for the poor

~enjoy every single pary of your life, you cant guess when it will be ending

~life is full of regrets, its normal because regrets is part of life but never regret the life your living.

~its just a bad day, and not a bad life

~if life gives you a thousand reason to cry.. show life that you have millions reason to smile..

~i dont need a perfect life, i just need a happy life

~life is too short. Smile when you still have teeth.

~you have given this life because you are strong enough to live it

~when, you are given an opportunity, grab it, dont wait for your life to end.

~life is not about waiting for the storm, it is about, how you dance under the rain

~life is too short to have regrets

~ LIFE is like a camera..
FOCUS on what's important..
CAPTURE the good times..
DEVELOP from the negatives..
And if things don't work..

Thats all for now.. suggestions?


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2017 ⏰

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