Chapter 3

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You saw who last night? Oh. My. God girl!!"
"It's not that big of a deal so don't make it one Cara. The title of 'cousin' doesn't make it okay to act like you really care. Believe me, I know you don't."
Cara made her trademark sighing sound on the other end of the line and most likely complimented that with a nice eye roll.
"Look Del, I do actually care this time. You met fudging Mister Tom Peter Odell!!! I've been stalking him on his Twitter page ever since my good friend Adeline introduced me to Long Way Down." She shrieked.
"You can lay me on my deathbed for saying this, but what is Long Way Down? Is that like a band he used to be a part of or something?....Cara?" There was dead silence for a minute and then quick 'beep' of disconnection burst out of my phone.  Soon enough though, the screen lit up with Cara's drunk photo from her 21st birthday.
"Hello?" I answered.
"You didn't see his todg-"
"No! Of course not! We're just friends." I interrupted. Again, the beep signaled and I tossed my phone on my desk. You don't like him, right? We're totally just friends....totally. My mind raced with images from last night at the pub. That feeling that I had when playing with Tom and Max was one of the best since my sister's death. My sister.
Just then, there was a knock on the door. Hesitantly, I walked forward and gazed through the peephole. A mop of wavy blonde hair topped with sunglasses stood outside, looking back at me. I turned the knob and opened the door.
"Hello...Tom." I said, examining his hipster-ish outfit.
"I'm sorry for not calling earlier, but I think you have my credit card. We must've picked up each other's since I have yours here." He said, holding the silver plastic rectangle between two fingers.
"I'll look, but how do you know where I live?" I asked whilst digging through my coat pockets.
"Well, before I left last night, you gave me your number as did I, and I saw you walk into this building as I was getting in the car." He explained, sliding his hands into his jean pockets. I nodded.
"How'd you find my apartment then? Surely you didn't follow me up last night."
"Oh of course not! Your doorman seems to have a thing for you though so although getting the room number out of him was a tad bit hard, it eventually slipped out of him. Do you mind if I come in?" He asked, peering over my shoulder. Why does he have to be so handsome and adorable? I led him inside and told him to wait on the couch for a minute.
I walked into my room to grab my sweater, but then something caught my eye. My sister's piano. Tom would love this. I smoothed out the stray pieces in my hair and went back to the living room.
"Follow me."

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