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"Tomorrow?" I shot up in my bed and shifted away from Grayson. HIs arm tried pulling me back into him but I moved even further away. "Don't you see it, Gray? You're leading me on. You kiss me and share a bed with me but you're moving away freaking tomorrow. I don't want to do a long distance thing." Grayson sat up in bed but kept the sheets on him. "How long have you been planning this? When were you going to tell me?"

"Hayden, don't make this bigger than it is. You can always come and visit. I'll still treat you the same, baby." I could hear my parents closing the front door, they called up to check on me.

"You okay, Hayden?" Dad called, he must've not known about Grayson being in my room. Otherwise, he would've come into my room to make sure there was no 'funny business' going on.

"Yes, Dad." I turned my attention back to Gray. He looked so innocent, gazing up at me from my bed. But I knew that he would break my heart. "Grayson, I'm not making this any bigger than it needs to be. Do you know what it is like being in a long distance relationship." I unlatched the window and stepped out of the way. "I think it's best if you go."

"Hayden. Don't." He got out of bed and gently pushed me against the wall. "I understand but just let this happen." Grayson slowly kissed up my neck and made his way along my jaw. His kisses were sloppy but purposeful; let's just say he knew what he was doing. "Don't fight back." He whispered. I let him roam around my body but when he smashed his lips into mine, I couldn't help but freeze. "Come on. sweetheart." I melted under his touch once again and let things happen. Before I knew it we were in bed again, Grayson hovering over me, shirtless and sweating. No, we weren't 'doing it', but I think what we were doing was considered making out. "I've got to pack." Grayson whispered in my ear. He then climbed off of me, leaving me desperate for his attention and touch. "I won't go tomorrow without letting you know." It was all such a blur; the moment he climbed down from my window and made his way back into his house. I could guarantee that Ethan had no idea. Maybe Georgie was right about being friends with benefits? That evening Mom called Sam for the first time in a whole year. Sam had never introduced us to his 18 month old daughter called Izzy. I had a niece that I didn't know about, for goodness sake. Dad spoke with Sam and his fiancee for a few hours on the phone but all I could think about was how Ethan and Grayson were fading away.

*Time Skip brought to you by blonde Grayson and coconut Ethan #throwbackmuch*

Mom woke me up but she was frantic, just like a child on Christmas morning but without the whining and annoyingness. "Hayden, the boys wanted me to tell you that they are leaving soon." I felt my heart leap out of my chest. The car that was going to take them to the airport had it's engine whirring outside my window, that Grayson had climbed the day before, and I was worrying that I wouldn't make it in time to see them off. "Edward wanted me to tell you."

"It's Ethan, Mom." I shouted whilst grabbing the nearest pair of shoes to the front door which happened to be Mom's gardening slippers. Tears were threatening to spill out of my eyes as I caught both boys entering the taxi with suitcases and bags in tow. "Wait." I screamed, panting and sobbing at the same time. I must've looked such a train wreck. Ethan looked up first and opened his arms to catch me. As I entered his extremely sturdy arms, Ethan spun me around and kissed my forehead once he placed me in front of him. Next, Grayson gave me the warmest hug ever, his large hands gripped my waist just like when he was in bed with me. My arms were around his neck, clinging onto his jacket's material as if that would keep him in Long Valley. "Do you promise, you'll come back to see me." Grayson held me at arm's length and looked at me as if I had just said something that was completely absurd.

"What? Is that even a question? Of course I'll see you again." He brought me into a hug again and put the right side of his face onto the left side of mine. "I did share quite a moment with you." I contained my giggles and playfully pushed him towards the taxi. "See you, everyone!" Both twins hollered toward the gathering of people that loved them so dearly. I mean, who wouldn't? Time seemed to stand still when every went into perspective; here was simple me just letting them get away and, in my head, I knew that I was never going to see them again. There was an underlying feeling in the atmosphere that said 'this is going to go pear shaped.'

"Hayden?" I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, causing me to spin around and snap out of my small soliloquy of thinking. The feminine voice was coming from Cameron, her mascara was smudged and her parents had gone inside. It was then that I realised, so had my parents. I had been standing on the drive for solid 20 minutes just daydreaming.

"Yeah?" I replied whilst mopping my brow, alleviating my stresses.

"Are you okay?" Her hand was clammy but that didn't cause me any discomfort. "Grayson told me about you two."

"And did Ethan find out?"

"No, of course not. I was going to say that you can come to me if you need anyone to talk to." I smiled at the way Cameron was opening up to me. "I've had far too many boys break my heart and I really don't want Gray to do that to you." Cam rubbed my shoulder, comfortingly, and returned to her own place. Suddenly, I was starting to doubt the fact that I would ever see the twins. Oh, well. I already had to let a lot of people go.


So, they posted a video on a Thursday!!! Even my dad fangirled..kinda. I was freaking out because I actually believed that they were going to sing on tour but when they said that Alex was going to do it instead, I was relieved. We all know that the twins are musically handicapped as it is. And Nate freaking Garner is coming on tour as well. This means me and @Georgie_Espinosa are going to make some more presents for Aiono and Garner. Also for those wondering, you pronounce Alex's surname ay-oh-no. Imagine you are saying 'ayyyy' to the twins, but then you fall over 'ohhhh' and then you scare away the twins 'nooooo'. Story of my life. Anyways, whilst watching the first vlog I was straightening my hair. Being stupid, I got really excited and literally clamped the whole of my left thumb in-between the irons. I can't move my thumb and it keeps twitching. Who cares, you only live once!!

In the comments, let me know what people you want my next fan fiction to be about. I can do Alex, Nate, the twins again or someone completely random. I want to know what you think. Vote for this chapter and the previous ones if you are enjoying this book and are excited for the next update.

From Pia :]

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