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Chesing Community.
A school full of slutty girls and players. Then there are the decent people. Like me. By the way, my names Skye Simmons. I am one of the decent people in this school. I don't go around wearing clothes that are too small for me or make out with people only to forget who they are the next day. If I wanted to become someone like that, Chad Beaumont or Britteny Daveson would be the people I would talk to. Only if they noticed people like me. Now this is where it gets interesting.

This was just a regular week for me. Acing my classes, being one of the top students, the usual. Until the dreadful moment in history, 4th period..

Mr Catting was going on and on about the history of Hitler and the Germans.
After an hour of this, Mr Catting called me and Chad to the front of the classroom. Yes. Me and Chad.
Britteny stared at me as she left the classroom, obviously wondering why the two of us had to stay back. I ignored her.

I looked at Chad. I swore he was just staring at me.., but I decided to ignore my wild imagination.
"Okay Skye. I would like you to tutor Mr Beaumont here-"
Mr Catting looked baffled at me for shrieking so loudly. I mean come on. Who wouldn't?
"Is there a problem with that?"
He asked me. Why was Chad so quiet about this? I was literally the only one objecting.
"Look, Miss Simmons. By doing this tutoring, you can earn extra credit, which-"
"You had me at extra credit sir" I said quickly. That Probably seemed rude but at least I got a bit of credit for doing something I don't like.
As we left the class, Chad said to me,
" I'll catch you later Skye. How 'bout tomorrow after school?" He asked me nervously, scratching the back of his neck.
" Don't you have anything to do with Britenny? She seemed pissed at you for staying back," I said to him in a sharp voice. I turned and walked away.
" Now why would I would want to spend time with her when I've got my tutor?" .

I stopped as soon as he said that. Then just carried on my way.


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