Rain, The Creature.

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It was late, around 11 and it was dark outside, darker than the deepest ocean. Her father got home and it turns out he was drinking, she hid under the covers, as she took a peek  out her door to the hallway she saw the reflection of rain hitting her window. There was a hand tapping at her window. a creature with three eyes, with long black hair, his skin was dark blue, and he made a gesture with his hand as if to say "come here".  She slowly got up making a creaking sound from the bed each time she made a movement. in the background you could hear her father beating her mother. Terrified, paralyzed, and her breath taken away she's scared but at the same time intrigued by the strange creature luring her towards the window. He looks at her cocking his head to the right, his eyes yellow as the sun, they captivated her. He made another gesture with his hands as if to say " open the window" and so she did. Careful not to make any loud noises by the creaks of the window. Her mother crying out for her daughter, begging her father not to hurt her. She hears the steps in the hallway get louder and louder. The window finally open, the creature snatches her from her room to the ouside. The rain kept going, pouring into the ground, the thunder, and relentless lighting, a bright flash of light she kept gletting glimpses of the creature that took her from the only place she had ever known to be home. Her father kicks the door thats already half way open "Your daughters gona get it now you whore!" he jumps on to the bed still thinking she might be under the covers. as he looks over to the window, the rain still pouring it took him a second to think in his daze, he could only guess that she must have run away...

Soon after the creature takes her through the pouring rain past the tree line . There is a house in the middle of the wood and he lets her down. He opens the door and he turns on a light. She could finally get a better description of his features. He was around 8-9 feet tall, his skin WAS blue, and his hair was more of a dark brown, his eyes were still yellow, shade of yellow similar to gold or the sun, and he had 3 of them. For some reason she wasn't scared she asked, "why did you take me from my room?" He looked at her with awe as if she was the first being he had ever come in contact with. With that he cocked his head and said "you weren't happy there were you? i saw how scared you were. whats your name?" she looked at him, surprised at herself, amazed at the fact that she wasn't scared. "my name is lily". He walked her over to the living room of the abandoned house on the wood, they both sat down. "What a pretty name you have. my name is Azelfer, the reason i took you here is to show you an amazing place you see I've always wanted to go on adventure but never had anyone to go with. I saw you in that dreadful place and thought you would be better off away from there". She got mad "I didn't ask to leave there"! Now Azelfer was frightened "but you seemed to hate it". Lily stood her ground, "how would you know?!" and Azelfer said calmly" why Lily I've known you since you were very little" she had goosebumps and she looked at his three golden yellow eyes. "Lets go Azelfer, I want to leave everything behind". He stood up and walked over to the very last bedroom on the right of the hallway. She followed the creature named Azelfer and when she came to the room, he had vanished. There was a door that seemed to lead outside. It was still raining and she was still wet, at the moment she did not care so she opened the door, but when she opened it Lily walked in carelessly and fell in the water. She knew how to swim and as fast as she fell in the water she came up to the surface. The sky was blue, the hills of grass green, everything was beautiful. At the edge of the pond where she was was an outstretched hand it was blue and grey, with black finger nails, she looked up to see Azelfer. "come Lily there is much to see" she held his hand for stability as she stepped out of the pond. Still amazed with her surroundings Lily asked, "where are we?" He looked around "you don't remember? Lily this is your kingdom". He looked back down and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2013 ⏰

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