Part 19

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I Manage to keep Trey my little secret from Faree for three long years. even though I know that one day everything was going to come out one way or an other, I still couldn't bare the thought of losing either one of my lovers.

A lot of times Trey demand that I leave Safaree to be with him, I would get mad and not talk to him for days. than he'd come apologizing telling me He'd rather share me than not to have me at all. when I'm with Trey I make sure I was always without Faree's ring so it wouldn't make him mad.

Faree graduated college and is on training as a Secret Agent. everyday he asks me to move with him to his parent's house. I'm sort of thinking about it now because he's this close to finding out about Trey and I, and I don't want that at all. Trey in the hand went to College for two years and graduated with a degree in Business. No latter than six months, he starts his own Laundromat business because he can't stand the idea of working for other people.

When he told me he was going to start his own business, Laundromat was not even on my mind, but he thinks it's good business and would brings in lots of Money. "So we can take care of our Babies" I quote. It's a beautiful Laundromat though, very big and fancy.

-- I Step out the shower as soon as I heard Treycie's voice. I walk to my room and find her sitting on the bed looking lost and confused.

"What's wrong little one" I asks approaching her. she immediately jump on me and hugs me. I just really love when she hugs me like this, makes me smile all the time. I put her down, dries myself, throws on my night gown  than take her back to the bathroom to shower her.

I Promised Trey I would go out with him today. Risky shit considering the fact that Faree's back, but since he's going to be with Treycie all day, I figured he wouldn't go any further than the park.

I Quickly bathes Treycie, Dresses her, than I call her father to come pick her up. About  thirty minutes latter, Safaree was waiting for me in his car in front of the house.

I quickly grab Treycie's stuff and go meet Faree outside. As soon as he see me open the door he walk out the car and take Treycie from me.

"She's a big girl Why don't you let her walk" He asks, kissing my lip

"She didn't want to" I answer.

"Oh Yeah...So where you going" he asks concerned

"Just out with Dia and Mik" I Lied, I hope he doesn't notice cause when it comes to lying I was the worst.

"Alright" he says finally done buckling Treycie up. "See you Latter" he adds kissing my lip once more.

"See Ya" I say, waving my hand and blowing kisses to Treycie in the back seat. "Love you" I whisper.

I walk back in the house, and walk to the kitchen. Its 3:15 in the afternoon and I was feeling hungry. I make myself a quick chicken noodle soup and settle my self on the kitchen table. Not long after I feel Trey's wet kisses all over my neck, I turn my head back and kiss his lips.

"You ready" he asks, walking towards the refrigerator.

"Almost...I just need to put my clothes on" I answer.

"Great." he says walking away. I wash my plate than walk back to my room. Damn I forgot to even ask him where we're going, but whatever. I Love surprises anyway....*Few minutes latter* I walk out the living room.

"You look beautiful" he compliments me walking closer to me. He place a kiss on my lip. DAMN this boy Loves his kisses, or is it that my Lips are Irresistible, I don't know. He takes my hand and lead me out.

*TORN* ~~ Onikafaree/Treynika Fiction ~~Where stories live. Discover now