His fresh minty breathe lingers on my skin as he whispers in my ear. "It's a game princess you ready for the ride?" He left and blue on my ear. I'm so gonna win this 'game'
I started walking down the hall. I do English this term.its amazing! I march down the halls very confident today I am wearing this;
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Oh by the way I dyed my hair!! I want to win the bet with me and Niall so I'm going to maybe doge him or seduce him. Both ay. Today I'll doge him then tomorrow I seduce him. I walked down the halls my heels clicking every step that fell to the floor. I then heard a ping. I looked down at my phone reading a text. Niall. "Heyprincess,doggingmeain'tgonnawork,I'llfindyou,watch,uhxx" arghh he irritates me. I then moved my thumbs texting back. "Don'tcallmeprincess,andIhaveaplanupmysleeve.Sobackawayoryoulo-" I then dropped my phone. I had walked straight into someone. I look up. And see. Louis! He gave me a a hug. And stood me up. We talked until I had to run cause the bell. I hugged him and kissed his cheek bye. I then clattered down the halls slide literally round the corners. I then slid to my English door gripping the frame. To pull me in. I then sat. I didn't realised Niall did English. He walked in and sat down. Next to me smiling. I just shook my head. I then felt warmth on my hand and my hand raise up over onto the table. I looked at my hand. To see Niall entwined our hands together. How swee.disgustingly. Sweet. I look at him and he has a shade of red on his cheeks while his is writing. I start to read what his writing. But I couldn't see. He looked up at me and smiled. Gliding the book over to me I started reading.
"Littlethings." 'You'llneverloveyourselfhalfasmuchasIloveyou.Andyou'llnevertreatyourselfrightdarlingButIwantyoutoifIletyouknowI'mhereforyou,maybeyou'llloveyourselflikeIloveyou.' I smiled at the words he put,wow. He then slowly took back the book I looked at him and I don't care if I lost I really don't! I leaned in and he stayed back obviously trying to win. Our lips nearly touched. Then I heard talking. I looked in the corner of my eyes and so did Niall. "Not in my classroom." Miss green said. I Moaned. I looked at Niall he looked sad and angry. He had his arms folded over his chest. I look up to his face his pulped lips that I want to kiss. I can't take it. I know Niall would follow me where ever. So I picked up my bag closed my book and walked out. I then heard shuffling behind me I open the door to some lockers. Then I turned to see Niall. I didn't waste time but place my hand on his neck and leaned in our lips meeting and creating fireworks. I may have lost the bet. But I hadn't lost the sensation I was feeling. The craziness. The life! I pulled back and looked down. Niall pulled my chin back up. "I can have you now?" I don't want to be his lady of the night. I shook my head no." Niall I want to be true full with you. But not here. Come to mine tonight at 6:00 the others are going out and I ain't." He nodded. He raised his finger and lent forward. He kissed me again. I felt him lick my bottom lip. And smile "Ready salted my favourite." I laugh. Then I remember what this would lead to. My smile faded. "See you at 6:00." I then stepped my left leg back and walked of towards my right door.
I heard a knock on my door. I know it's Niall. I walked to the door. Opening it. I saw him. I gesture him in. A smile plastered on his face. Not mine though. I walked of to the couch him behind me. I sat down and he sat next to me. I looked at him and sighed. I'm starting this I guess. "Niall the reason I asked you to come over was cause. Well our bet. I'm happy the bet ended the way it did. But the only thing is. I don't want to me your lady of the night. I want to be the only lady you'll ever have.but obviously you want other girls to fuck. So there's no point of asking you to come over was there.?" I signed blinking the tears away. "Alicia.where is this coming from?" "Niall it's coming from me! Okay me! I love you Niall and I don't wanna loose you. I'm to scare I'm gonna loose you and your not even mine to keep Niall.!" I cry he pulls me into a hug and whispers. "Alicia.you'll never loose me. I love you. That's.why...I ?love?you?" Did he just? I look up.what! He just plants a huge kiss on my lips. "Princess will you be my princess?" I smiled at his words. "You lucky!" I growl throwing my arms round his and kissing him tight.