In situations like this mortem always stayed calm. That was another ability mortem had. His ability to stay calm under the most taxing of situations. His thought process was as such, break the tree grab the sword kill the warden. Mortem new pretty much nothing about cognitive studies especially not about the wardens different type of brain but he knew enough to decide that to feel the pain in his wrists his brain had to have some sort of control. And with this thought he started his diabolical plan. Mortems arm started to tense up against the tree branch that held him in place quickly shattering it with his strength.
"Your mind is strong" snarked the warden. "But mine is stronger" quickly another branch grabbed hold of mortem followed by what seemed like an eternity of branches. Mortem just smiled and kept breaking them branch after branch wood after wood until he stopped. Mortem had stopped moving. He had become completely still, and with that the wardens branches disappeared.
Chapter 4: outside
The thin silver metal pushed up against the warden throat. Mortems eyes were still adjusting to the new, but old dull familiar rooms he was so desperate to escape. A small crimson drop rolled down the blade of the sword and onto the hilt.
"Thats... thats not possible" stuttered the warder with fear drilled into his eyes
Mortem pressed the sword harder against the wardens neck and smiled his wicked smile.
"The keys" mortem whispered in his shrill deep voices he so often used for intimidation.
The warden just stared into mortems eyes as he recited what he memorized so long ago.
Mortems mind worked against the numbers memorizing every last digit as he grabbed the 2nd key from the warden's office.
"Thank you" said mortem in a nonchalant voice and from the wardens view, he disappeared.
Mortem the age of evil
Actiona story told from the perspective of a villain and his views on the world around him.