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"Yes, Yes, Yes," Slade walked by his new apprentice. "Starfire, do you know who Robin is?" "No, Master," "Good, good." I made sure he thought  I was honest. I love Robin too much. "I want you to kill a girl named Raven. Her boyfriend Beastboy. And cyborg. Don't forget theres a masked boy on the team. I'm scared. I must escape with the Titans. I must show what Slade will do, but he knows all there fears. "Go! And before you kill them steal the freeze ray!" Why does he want a freeze ray? Oh, Robin.

Stealing the ray

I shall not. I will erase his memory let me still both. I took them both and flew away. "Starfire!" I looked around. He was on the tower not even looking towards me. "Please Starfire come back!!" Cy shot a sonic blaster and it scared me, " You there! " I flew faster and they disappeared.

I'll Find You Teen Titans RobstarWhere stories live. Discover now