Chapter 2

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"Alright so to start this new school year here at our wonderful and great school will start by telling you what is expected of you guys when you are here." He pulled out a list of what I'm assuming is rules "Rule 1. Always show up to class on time.

2. Treat others with respect as you would want to be treated with.

3. No PDA while in the class rooms or during class times.

4. No fighting.

5.obey the curfew which is 10:00

6. Do not leave your dorm at night! That is the rules easy to fallow and obey if you break any of these rules you will be expelled and told to walk or have someone take you back home is there any questions?" The boy looked around for hands.

The kid sitting next to me leaned over to me and whispered "why do you think were not allowed to leave the dorms at night?" I turned to look at him and what I saw was a kid in glasses that was alimony as big as his face. I ignored him and looked at watch to see the time it was 7:45 am.

"Well if there are no questions I will then introduce our dean of students, now here is MR. V!"

The tall man in the black suit and white hair came to the microphone and stood there for a moment with his eyes closed, he opened them revealing his dark red eyes that seemed to almost look like a crimson fire.

"Now that, that's over with I'm your dean of students I handle all punishments of all students yes even the 6th graders to seniors so if you stay out of trouble and fallow all of our rules you will not see me in my office or in a bad mood." He seemed to be like a stone statue not moving or anything his voice mellow-tone it almost put you to sleep. "Ok so here at Verdant Academy we have a secret club that is only obtainable for those of you seem worth of joining, but here to talk about that is the president of the club." A tall thin boy stepped on to the stage next to Mr. V "now for Bruce the club president!" The kid had Sliver hair his eyes were, well they seemed to be changing so I couldn't get a good look at him he had a black trench coat with the color popped up his suit seemed to be a solid slim black and a purple undershirt. "Hi my name is Bruce, now many of you are probably wondering what this club that we are talking about is? Well let me explain this club is sorta like an ancient club that was started when this school was originally founded in fact some say it was here before the school was started, anyways in order to join our club you have to be a freshmen or higher so sorry middle schoolers an you must also have great character, and your grades must be As and Bs. There are many members of the club around you today they all wear the mark and the badge of the club in fact or own dean here was a part of the club once." Bruce started to smile but it didn't seem like a normal smile and what mark and badge was that? I closed my eyes and analyzed the room when I walked in I looked around trying memorize what was around us it took me a moment but I figured out what the mark or the badge was! "Well we hope to seem some new faces this year in the club, does anyone have any questions about the club?" The room exploded almost with hands and people yelling "me pick me" I stood up and looked at him and with my voice calm I opened my mouth and with almost like a loud shout I said "I have a question!" Bruce looked at me in almost amazement "yes you there in the trench coat standing up!" I started to smirk an evil smirk "Ok maybe it's not really a question but more like if you can confirm something for me, ok you said that all the members of your club ha a mark and badge is that mark and badge the sliver hair and changing eye colors?!?" Bruce looked stunned that I asked the question which gave me my answer. "Ur the hair color is the badge and yes everyone with sliver hair in here is in the club, which is everyone but the there is more to the mark then what you think there is what is your name boy?!" I looked at him with anger in my eyes I hate when people call me boy it reminds me of my father who I hate so much. "My name is of no importance to you at this moment you will figure out my name at another time we meet cause I will join your club!" I turned and walked out of the auditorium and out side to the dorms where I has put my stuff in the room I was assigned.

I laid on the bed that was in there and looking at the ceiling with a smile on my face a smile of satisfaction, I thought to my self that this school was right for me and they had no idea what they were in for. "Oh yeah it's gonna be a good year."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2014 ⏰

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