(2) whata'day...

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Dire (Alpha's son) POV

My small, skinny frame walked through the centre of cave.The fireflies that hover in the ceiling seemed...more interesting than the used to be? I knew better than to act like an Alpha...if you act like an alpha, look like an alpha, talk or behave like an Alpha. Then it's what others will expect from you...an Alpha. Theres no way I could handle that.

good thing I'm,  none of the above...

I avert my eyes to the stone cold floor in used to, I still prefer to stare at the fireflies of course but looking down makes more sense. I stare at the grey floor, imagining that it's littered with millions of beautiful, golden dots...stars that mesmerise, even the oldest of wolves, The kind who think everything boring because they've  seen it all before.

I know other wolves are staring at me, I feel so self-conscious even leaving the bed quarters of this...vast homeland of barren ground.

My home...

Plentiful of wolves of all colour, Browns, greys maybe some yellows or dusty colours a few with red-ish coats too. They all looked at me or would glance at me from behind there shoulders. Eyeing me and giving me strange looks. As Well as the occasional gossip or muttering about me to there acquaintances, family or friends...

I feel like I have neither...except from my sister.

When I could see fewer wolves around me I spead up to a trot, going through large objects like rocks, I grazed my fur on it as I trotted past it tearing some of my hair out on the ragged edges along the way.

I went through a small hole created by more rocks, there were less fireflies in this area making it darker and relaxed. here I have now entered.

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